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Jaime had been worried about Bart. Every Friday, Bart would disappear for two hours without telling anyone where he went. It was concerning to not only him, but the Allen/West family.

"Well, I'm off!" Bart waved, grabbing a duffel bag and speeding out the door.

"...bye." Jaime said before sighing. He had had enough of this and he decided to grab Wally and Barry and following Bart. Wally had tracked Bart's phone to the other side of town, a rarely used building.

Barry agreed to carry Jaime so he could keep up. Jaime held onto Barry tightly, not wanting to die just yet. They all stopped outside a grey cinderblock of a building, one that was falling apart.

"Good luck." Barry said, putting Jaime down. "We'll wait out here."

You seem very dizzy. My advice is not to ever do that again.

I agree. I agree.

He entered the building carefully, hoping not to alert Bart he was here. Jaime looked around the top floor.

"Not here." Jaime said, only to be greeted by music playing in response.

Jaime followed the music downstairs, finding an ice rink. The music was coming from a box in the corner and Bart was on the ice, skating.

"Woah." Jaime whispered as Bart leapt in the air.

The observer snuck over to the seats at the side to watch.

[Watch the video, its basically what Bart does]

"He's good." Jaime whispered to himself.

Finally, the music stopped and Bart skated to the edge, but froze when he saw the one person in his life he didn't want to know he skated.

"I-I erm..." Bart began to vibrate in fear.

"Hermano, calm down!" Jaime carefully made his way over to the scared speedster. Once he was over, Jaime pulled Bart into a hug. "You were good."

Bart's vibrating gradually began to slow, until it stopped and Bart hugged back.

"Y-You think so?" He asked, nervous.

"I know so, ese." Jaime tilted Bart's chin so he was looking up at Jaime.

"I love you, her-man-oh." Bart smiled.

"I love you too, mi amor."

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