It's an especially unpleasant place to live when your parents keep you on a tight regimen and refuse to let you out of their sight. 

I stretched out a fake smile as I waved politely to the Weekes', a family that always waits outside of their house every morning to see that their teenage son gets on the bus for school. Poor Dallon, he was 18 and his parents still treated him like a child.

I guess I could relate.

I continued to drive down the road, seeing the normal sights, when, about five miles out, I spotted a young boy who I had never seen before, jogging slightly with a backpack slung over his shoulder.

He wore dark jeans and a loose white t-shirt and as he ran, his dark brown hair flopped up and down with each step. I turned down my music slightly as I approached him. It's too hot to be running, that's for certain. Maybe I could stop and-

I screamed and slammed on my brakes abruptly when he jumped out in front of my car.

My tires screeched as I stopped in front of him. I must have looked shocked because he doubled over in laughter, but also because he was out of breath from running.

But who the hell just runs out in front of a car? He looks about my age, but I've never seen him before. He dresses nice, thats a sure sign he must be from out of town. I wonder why he's running to school? Doesn't he know that it's at least five miles away from here?

He smiled at me as he ran over to my side of the car and tapped gently on the window for me to roll it down.

"Hey! Sorry for scaring you and jumping out like that. You look like a student and I had to stop you and get directions. Do you know where..." he stopped to read a piece of paper from his pocket, "Palo Verde High School is? I feel like I've been walking forever and I have no idea where I am." He smiled again at me, running his hand through his floppy brown hair and leaning against my car.

Trying not to seem phased by his charm, I replied coolly, "It's about another five miles out. Is this your first day?"

He chuckled and nodded, biting his lip.

I felt butterflies enrapture my stomach and gazed down to his lips momentarily before looking back up to his eyes. He must have noticed my sudden glance and realized the effect he had on me. He acted like he has used his looks to charm girls before. I won't be that easy.

Or at least, I'll pretend I won't be that easy.

He chuckled again and mindlessly ran his finger along the edge of my window before answering, "this is my first day yes. I'm Brendon. And you are?"

"Elizabeth." I smiled sweetly at him brushing my hair behind my ear.

His eyebrows raised to his hairline and he sucked in a breath."Well it's wonderful to meet you Elizabeth! Is there anyway that I could get a ride to school in this luxury vehicle of yours?" He threw his hands up and flashed a heart wrenching smile. "I'll sit in the back. Just pretend you're a cab driver and I'm a customer. Hell, I'll even pay you if you want."

I didn't even have time to second guess myself as I laughed and unlocked the car doors, motioning for him to jump in. His cheeks lifted as he threw another bright smile at me before leaping in and tossing his backpack onto the seat next to him.

"Brendon you don't have to sit in the back." I turned around to look at him.

"Nah, I'm good. I don't want to make you uncomfortable anyway. I mean you just let a strange man into your car whole heartedly."

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