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it'd been five months, meaning it was August.

Zayn and Gigi are still going strong, I'm still in love with my best friend, and I'm still trying to get over him. or maybe I'm trying to figure out why he doesn't want me, why I'm not good enough for him. my mind never decides which one to focus on.

maybe it was because of my skin color or that I wasn't as successful. maybe it's because I don't have blonde hair.

whatever it was, I know I love Zayn. I know he'll never love me the way I love him.

Zigi had invited me on a double date. they set me up with some guy I didn't even know. I just hope he's not some weird serial killer.

"you practically invited me on a group outing," I glared at the couple.

"thought you might have wanted to see the boys," Zayn shrugged.

that's all he did, shrugged.

I could die and he would shrug. he could die and he would shrug in his grave. give it a break.

"if I wanted to see them, don't you think I would've flown out to see them," I narrowed my eyes. "no offense, just trying to make a point."

Liam nodded and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

we were in the smallest pizza shop in New York and I was squished in a booth between Liam and Louis.

"it's okay," Louis mumbled.

"well, if you had a mind of your own, you would have."

it was silent for a minute before I chuckled.

"you're so funny," I smirked. "when you're done being a stuck up prick -- never mind. just stay in your lane and I'll stay in mine."

the boys to my right stood from their seats, allowing me to get out of the booth. I dropped some money on the table before exiting.

I mean, if I was going to leave, he needs to remember how I left.

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