the end.

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"how's gi?" I asked, munching on some cake.

"we're not together anymore," zayn shrugged.

we were in my hotel room, laying on the bed.

"I've eaten so much cake this weekend, I'm gonna fucking explode. but why not?"

I stood from the bed and dropped the paper plate and plastic fork in the trash.

"why'd you dye your hair?"

"you didn't even answer my question."

"answer mine first."

this is the type of shit we did years ago. he's so childish, but I've never loved anyone more than I've loved him.

"you obviously have a thing for blondes."

"do I now?" zayn chuckled.

"Perrie, Gigi... now answer my question," I demanded.

"eh, I think I've been with the wrong hair color all along," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and kissed him.

his lips were soft and tasted like coconut. I had expected his lips to taste like cigarettes, but I was wrong.

"that was nice," zayn chuckled, pulling away. "too bad you're not a brunette."

[AN: this is actually my favorite story I've written so far and I'm glad it's out for everyone to read. I hope you've enjoyed it]

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