Chapter 1- The Vampire Attack

Start from the beginning

Alec rushed toward Clary, and dropped down next to her, instantly taking out his stele. Clary looked up at him with pain-filled eyes. She let out a small, high-pitched sound as he drew an iratze over the bite marks on her throat. She reached up, shakily, and touched Alec's pale hand, which was carefully drawing the healing rune. Surprised, he looked up at her to meet her green eyes. Her hand than traveled up to his face, where she brushed aside the dark hair that always seemed to fall into his eyes. Her hand then shakily fell to her chest, where her shirt was soaked in blood. He looked back down at the healing rune he was working on, letting the hair fall back onto his face.

"Alec..." Clary said weakly.

" Don't worry, you'll be okay. Vampire venom is only lethal to mundanes in the amount you got." Alec said, focusing only on the healing runes. "You'll just be getting some headaches and hallucinations."

" did you find me?" Clary's voice shook.

"I heard your cries of pain, and followed them." he replied in a soft voice, still not looking at her.

"What about Jace and Isabelle? Why didn't they come with you? Why are you here by yourself?" Clary tried to sit up, to be level with the dark-haired boy, but failed.

"They didn't hear you, I don't think they've even noticed that I'm not there with them." Alec said sheepishly, looking to the left, trying to ignore her gaze as much as possible.

"What? But—? How did Jace not.... how didn't he..." Clary was at a loss of words. Jace never failed her. He was always there when she needed him, and she was always there when he needed her. She sputtered, trying to find an explanation, but came up with none.

"They were off fighting the vampires. Come on, let's go find them. I'm sure that Jace just was distracted by the amount of vampires." Alec stood up, and offered her a hand. She took it, but as she began to rise, she fell back down again. "The blood loss might be greater than I thought." Alec then went back down next to her, and braced her with his arm around her shoulder. She let out a small gasp at their current proximity, but did not object as he helped her stumble down the aisles of trailers. She felt something that she hadn't felt since she lost her mother: a feeling of safety and secureness.

"Jace! Izzy!" Alec called out, his voice echoed through the empty yard. Clary looked over at Alec, admiring the contrast provided by his pale skin and midnight black hair. Her head ached and spun, as her vision blurred and sharpened, she thought she heard Jace calling her name. She began to collapse, but Alec steadied her, his strong arm around her waist. She smiled and turned to look at him again. His twilight blue eyes flicked in her direction for a moment before going back to the empty alleyways.

"Come on, Clary. You can stay awake, I know it." Alec said firmly. She wanted to just let unconsciousness take over, but she knew that Alec was right. She forced her eyes open, and continued to walk with Alec's support, on the lookout for Jace and Isabelle.

Isabelle and Jace were exhausted, they had basically killed off the entire Manhattan vampire clan, except with the few lucky ones that decided to stay back at the Hotel DuMort with Raphael and Simon. Isabelle let her whip recoil around her wrist, and Jace twirled his seraph blade before sheathing it away.

"We did good, what do you think, Alec?" Isabelle asked her non-present brother. "Alec?" She woke from her daze and looked around.

"Alec?" Jace asked into the air.

"Now that I'm thinking about it, I haven't seen him since the trailer yard." Isabelle itched her neck.

"I told him to come with me, I guess he didn't... but why?" Jace shook his head.

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