Chapter 25

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Jessica POV
I can't have August mad at me even though I do deserve to be mad at. But we had something we had feelings for each other even tho it wasn't that deep but its gone since I lied and left him. I was wrong. Now I'm standing out side contemplating on how imma get these words out my mouth. I knocked on the door hoping he'll open it." Who,?" He asked " it's me Jessica," I answered." Why you here," he said opening the door." I just want to say sorry for lying to you for leaving you really I'm -," " I don't want to hear it because if you was sorry you would've never did it so fuck your sorrys," August yelled." August please give me another -," " Chance?! Hell no you ruined all your chances from the shit you pulled officer or FBI agent whatever your lying ass is. Get off my doorstep and don't talk to me amandla or come to my house again," he screamed and slammed the door. I got into my car and laid my head on my steering wheel and busted out crying tears streamed down my cheeks. I knew I was wrong I should've never came I don't know what I was thinking. I whipped my tears and drove away.

Monique POV
Raymond didn't even call me today, but its okay he can have the bitch I'm moving on and not looking back I got niggas waiting in line for me. I don't have time for Raymond bullshit. Who he think I am a waitress got me fucked up.*phone started ringing*

Me- hello
Raymond- hey bae
Me- hold up nigga I'm not your bae
Raymond- what you mean
Me- we over duhh( hangs up)

Raymond POV
These girls ain't loyal man I swear they think we should be loyal to them but when we do they don't appreciate the shit. I need a break from them anyways I can't take no more. I finally pulled up to my house and got out the car and walked inside." Hey dad," I said when I walked inside." Come here son I have someone who want to say hey to you," he said. All of a sudden my mother walked out the kitchen." Dad what she doing here," I gritted." I just want to say sorry for leaving you for 10 years I had to get my life together," she said." We was a family we was suppose to get our life back together together like a family we was suppose to be. So answer my question why you here," I yelled." I found your sister she's not dead," she said crying." Stop lying that's all you do," I cried." Alex baby come here," my mom Jessica called. And there she was my sister that was 2 years old the last time I saw her and now she's 12." Come here give me a hug," I teared up. She came and gave me a hug." Do you remember me," I asked her. She shook her head." I'm your oldest brother," I told her." Hey," she said." My name is Raymond," I hold out my hands." Nice to meet you big brother Raymond," she said giving me a hug crying.

I'm so happy I have my sister back in my life. She was only 2 years old the day we lost her we was playing outside with her princess ball. Then the phone started ringing inside so I hurried up inside to answer it. Then came back she was gone, and I blamed myself every since then.

Amandla POV
I need to just breath and relax I finally made it to the house and I went upstairs and laid down and started looking up at the ceiling thinking what imma do with my life and how I'm gonna be able to go on.

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