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The police station is fairly quiet, apart from the busy policemen rushing in and out of the double doors that lead to the real world where most criminals aren't caught. A young man with tired eyes and scruffy hair sits with his head in his hands, thinking back to his mistake. It isn't his fault that he is there, but then again everyone must take responsibility once in a while. Even Louis Tomlinson.

Louis' POV

I sit with my head in my hands thinking about the reason I'm siting here. I can't believe I got arrested for driving! I must be shitter than I thought.

I'm interrupted by my thoughts when I hear a young girl shouting and immediately the double doors of the station open to reveal a bald policeman pulling a young girl by her collar to the corner where I am sitting. "I didn't steal her handbag!" the little girl shouts but the bald man ignores her and stops when he reaches me. "I'm going to give you one last chance to tell me your name," the bald policeman tells her but the young girl stares at him blankly with a smirk on her face. "Fine, take a seat," the annoyed policeman says as he pushes her into the seat beside me, before he walks back over to the receptionist desk.

The young girl brings her knees up to her chest and takes a dramatic sigh. I look her up and down and realise how young she is and it's clear she's not looked after properly. Her hair is scruffier than mine and she is covered in ash and dirt. "You should tell him your name, it would make things easier," I whisper into her ear with a small smile and she responds with," I know. I was just trying to buy time." Her deep blue eyes look into my own pair and I see a fragile little girl who needs someone to guide her.

"I'm Louis," I tell her and she lets out another grin before whispering, "I'm Gabby."

I had always loved the name Gabby. The name reminds me of something but I can't remember...

I am interrupted by my thoughts when I find that Gabby is walking over to the

receptionist desk. "Oy, missy where are you going?" I whisper to her with a small smile and she turns around to me and says, " I'm going to go and tell baldy over there my name."   

"So why are you here?" she curiously asks me when she takes her seat again. "I was driving too slow and I forgot to bring my driver's liscence with me. I also apparently threatened a police officer but I was just cheekily telling him to go away," I admit with a laugh and Gabby starts laughing as well. 

 "So did you steal that woman's handbag?" I ask her as I overheard her conversation with the policeman. "No, not this time anyway," she mumbles and I raise an eyebrow with a sympathetic smile.

"They were chasing me and I accidently ran into the woman. She assumed I was stealing her handbag but I didn't," Gabby continues and I actually feel bad for the small child. That woman must have had one look at Gabby and thought that because she's covered in dirt that she would be stealing.

"Who was chasing you?" I worriedly ask but Gabby just looks up at me and whispers," bad people." I find myself trying to comfort the child who only looks about 7 and I accidently lift her sleeve up to reveal a long bloody scar. I know she didn't do it to herself as it wasn't a selfharming scar.

"Who did that to you?" I ask with a hint of anger in my voice. Gabby looks down and plays with her scruffy tshirt. "Was it your parents?" I ask again but this time in a whisper but she simply replies," I haven't got any parents. I live in an orphanage."

My heart shatters and Gabby looks up at me and lets out a small smile. As she does this I spot a necklace around her neck and I start to feel dizzy. I gave my old girlfriend Mary that necklace when I was 16. The necklace has the letter L for louis on it and I know it's mine because I ingraved a smiley face on the back of it. Memories start to flood back to Mary and I's relationship and I realise that she was in a rush to leave me. Before she left she started to wear baggy tshirts and she had cravings. Was Gabby my child?

"Louis, are you okay?" Gabby asks concerned and I simply reply,"Who gave you that necklace?"

"When my mum left me at the orphanage when I was a baby, she tied it around my neck," she responds with a small smile and I can tell she is telling the truth. "Gabby what is your surname?"I ask meekly and she says,"It's Tomlinson. Why?"

"Gabby, I think you might be my daughter," I whisper and her little mouth drops wide open. Before she can say anything Niall, Liam, Zayn and Harry run into the police station screaming,"Louis! Simon got them to drop the charges. You can leave now."

"Woah Louis that little girl looks just like you," Zayn whispers and I nod saying," Guys I think she might be my daughter." 

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