VI. The Victory He Thought He'd Never Find

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He panted heavily as the ticking of the clock rumbled his ear drums. His frustration on his current dilemma was already enough he was able to deal with, but this abnormally loud clock was truly driving him mad. The pace remained the same, the volume grew, and the echoing made it that much more painful. His ears shook at each tick. He stood up. His eyes locked onto the clock, still stuck on 11:36 and still shaking his eardrums at each tick. He clenched his fists again. He began to slowly making his way to the clock. He panted heavily and angrily. The pace at which he walked picked up slowly. His arms swayed back and forth as he walked. The clock's ticks only got louder as he approached. His teeth locked tightly and the edges of his lips curled. He extended his elbow and twisted his torso, readying himself to destroy the clock. He let out a grunt as he swung his already swollen fist directly into the clock without any sense of mercy. Glass flew in every direction. The ticking had stop; and the loud crunch of impact the punch had made was soon followed by a blindingly bright light. He covered his eyes with his stinging hand. What was this light now? Another illusion perhaps? Just his mind playing tricks on him once again? He separated his fingers and peeped through. The light was coming from outside. A strong light source that revealed every dust particle it touched. What was this? The outside? Had he finally found an escape? He heard the sound of blades of grass gracefully hitting one another and the sound of a light gust of wind blowing this. He heard birds chirping and water splashing. Freedom? He was at a loss for air. He was staring his freedom in the eyes. The shock of all of this happening at once was surprising. He froze up for a second and thought about his freedom once again. Contemplating the thought of returning home, he found his energy once again. His determination to escape was large and he had finally found his hope. After one more breathe, he reached for a piece of wood sticking out from the hole and tore it off without hesitation. The satisfaction of the sound of the wall becoming separated from the hole was delightful. His lips stretched across his face as he saw more light come into the room. A brilliant orange glow coming from outside. He knew that his freedom was imminent. He grasped another loose piece and pulled it downward, extending the hole and enlarging the light source. He could almost smell the fresh air through all of the dust. His face began to glow as the orange light hit his face. Removing each and every piece faster and faster, his smile grew and his eyes widened. Freedom. The hole in the wall was now just big enough for him to fit through. He stared at it in amazement and prepared for his freedom.

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