And then I couldn't see anyone. I could see a small out line of them but it was very faint. "I just turned us invisible but we are able to see each other." Seto whispered. I put my Bow and Arrow away.

The running foot steps got closer and closer. Then the person came into the spot we were in. We all moved out of the way so he wouldn't bump into us. I couldn't tell who is was for the person was wearing a cloak.

The person ran to the spot Jerome was. We all followed the person. The person was looking at some enchantments. The person was going through all the enchantments frantically. I tried to see what the person looked like but they had the hood over their head.

I then heard the giant doors of the magic library slam open. I heard them slam against the wall. The person looked to where the door was and quickly grabbed some enchantments and put them in their inventory. The person then ran.

I heard some distant running and an Enderman? We all ran after the person. The person was at least 7 blocks in front of us. Then the person was tackled down by something. All I saw was a flash of white jump at the person.

"GET OFF ME!!" I heard someone yell. We all looked around the corner and saw the person being held down by another person but in white. I heard teleporting nosies and two more people came into view.

I then realized that it was EnderBrine, Null, and Entity 303. I still didn't know who the other person was though. EnderBrine looked over to us. He stared at us. But we were invisible. He walked towards us. We didn't move. He stopped 4 blocks in front of us.

Seto said something under his breath and I could see everyone again. EnderBrine sighed in relief. "What's going on?" Seto asked him. "Just catching the banisher." EnderBrine said as he gestured to the person.

The banisher? Oh it's Notch. The person is Notch. "Get. Off. ME!" Notch yelled at 303. "No. You banished Hero and Sky." 303 said. " what if I did." Notch said quietly. "That's pretty big Notch!" Null half yelled at him.

"All I came for was enchantments. That shouldn't give you a reason to tackle me!" Notch half yelled at them. EnderBrine looked at Notch. "What do ou need enchantments for?" EnderBrine said sternly.

Notch had that face that said that he wasn't supposed to say that. "No reason." Notch said. "That's the way it always is. Like you banished Herobrine and Sky for no reason." 303 hissed.

"Maybe that's the reason I have the enchantments." Notch mumbled. Their eyes widen. "Get the enchantments!" 303 yelled. Getting off of Notch. Notch got the chance and ran. 303 ran right after him. Null ran after 303 and EnderBrine teleported.

We all looked at each other and ran after them as well. We went all different ways to try and corner him. I went a long way around. And as I went the long way I went by our I little camp.

I saw Phantom laying beside Seto's sleeping bag. Phantom looked up to see me running and he got up and ran after me. He caught up to me quite quickly. "What's wrong?" Phantom asked me as he ran beside me.

"Notch." I said. And that's all I had to say. Phantom ran ahead of me and went through all of the book selves. "AHH!" I heard Notch yell. I ran in that direction. I looked around a corner and saw Notch on the ground with Phantom standing on him while biting his hand.

Everyone else came up behind me and just stood there. "Hahah looks like the tables have turned." 303 said. "Get this thing off of me!" Notch yelled. "It's called a dragon genius." Null said.

Then Notch pulled out a small machine and clicked a button. Then he disappeared. "He teleported." EnderBrine said. "Alright that's it!" 303 yelled. "EnderBrine teleport me to him." 303 said.

"I don't know where he went." EnderBrine said. Phantom went over to Seto. Seto pet his head. Phantom looked mad and upset. "I have a question. EnderBrine." Seto started. EnderBrine looked at Seto.

"What did Notch want with those enchantments?" Seto asked. EnderBrine thought for a moment. "He probably wants to torture them!" 303 yelled before EnderBrine could speak.

EnderBrine looked at 303 and gave him a look. 303 rolled his eyes and walked away. "I don't know but we have a pretty good idea." EnderBrine said. "And what's that?" Ian asked. "He's doing something to Herobrine." EnderBrine said.

We all stood there for a moment. The lighting in the magic library going dim. Only being lit by torches. The sun had gone down. And the one way glass was showing the stars in the sky.

"You guys can camp out here if you want." I said. They nodded. And we walked back to our little camp. EnderBrine, Null, and 303 followed. We all sat down on our sleeping bags.

Null just leaned on the book shelf. 303 climbed the book shelf and sat on the top of it, and sat up against the taller shelf right beside it. He took out a knife and a piece of wood and started to carve the wood.

And EnderBrine just kind of floated up into the air. He floated in his back. I looked at my friends. Everyone was in their sleeping bags and were laying down. I did the same. I saw Phantom go over o Seto. He laid down next to Seto.

I looked up to the celling. Looking at the stars through the one way glass. And soon I let sleep come over me.

The Secrets We Keep: Skybrine FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now