Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Christine?" Her Language Arts teacher was positioned right in front of her desk.

Carlotta and her gang were laughing like hyenas in the back of the room. Christine blushed. "I'm sorry.. What?"

"Well, I was asking about your thoughts on the story."

"Oh. I, well, umm.."

"Page 234, Ms. Daae."

The girls in the back continued to laugh. It was the day of her third voice lesson, and Christine couldn't stop daydreaming. She would get to see Erik in four hours! And, better yet, he was picking her up. Her mom was told that rehearsals were changing times. Luckily, Erik volunteered to drive. Christine had to admit that she was very ok with this.

Truth be told, she was developing a crush on her teacher. She'd never actually liked a boy before... It was a feeling she didn't know how to handle, which was leading to teachers calling her out in class.

When class ended and Christine was leaving the room, Carlotta strolled by and shoved past her. "You are such a loser, dumb Daae." Then, she was gone.

While, in the past, she would have shrugged it off, Christine now couldn't help but want to clobber the little snob with punches. Erik will help, she kept telling herself.

So, she pressed on through the day barely paying attention to anything. Not even choir could hold her interest, and Mrs. Giry could tell.

She decided not to comment on it, but Erik would definitely be receiving a phone call from her.. Mrs. Giry knew the girl's far off look had to have something do with her voice teacher.

When the bell rang, Christine ran out of the choir room without saying bye to anyone. She hurried to her locker, got her books, went to the bathroom to make sure she looked ok, and walked outside.

Erik was parked right out front in the same car she remembered riding with him in before. Christine walked to the vehicle shyly. The window was rolled down. "Hi, Erik." She spoke softly.

"Good afternoon, Christine." Erik leaned over and opened the car door for her.

Erik was, at the moment, very happy with his situation. His plan had gone perfectly, and now he could get to know his soon-to-be diva. He smiled to himself feeling like some sort of babysitter. Or perhaps the leader of a fan club.

"How was your day?" she asked while he drove along.

"Do you remember what I said when you asked that very same question last lesson?"


"Well, today was the exact same."

"Oh." She sort of felt sorry for him.

"But how was your day?"

"Pretty bad." She looked down at her hands.

He truly hated to hear that. He didn't like it when she was unhappy. "How so?"

"Carlotta was mean, again."

"That girl needs to stop bullying. Or else." He grinned sneakily.

Christine did, too. "Or else what, Erik?"

"Well, I have come up with some nice attacks for you to use." Before she could say anything, he continued, "But, these attacks can only be used at certain times. It all depends on the situation. You must be careful."

Now she was confused. "Attacks? I don't think I want to hurt her.."

"No, of course not. That would get you into trouble. The attacks I have prepared are not painful, not physically at least. You will not be caught if you use them correctly."

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