Mind and Matter

872 10 3

Mind and Matter - ginawriter

Blurb ;

Having grown up with above average intelligence and an affinity for analyzing people's personalities, Emerson has always had trouble fitting in. 

Leo, on the other hand, knows exactly what it feels like to fit in. But after his father sends him to live with his grandparents in a small Maryland town, he makes a commitment to alienate himself from everyone.

His plans are rather simple: survive senior year and never see this town again afterwards. 

That is until the girl with the curly hair catches him smoking one day in September and becomes the key to turning his life around for the better. And until the guy with the cigarette and a contradictory amount of optimism and disappointment in life helps her see the world in a point of view she never realized she needed.

And so it turns out that when mind meets matter, it's not always one over the other...


50 Parts

This is unrelated to the story (kinda), but the number is an even amount and that makes me happy but idk why. 

So. This story is kinda just about growing as a person, and yknow in your teen years that's when you start to find yourself and who you are and blah blah blah. Well they kinda did that together. It was great. I enjoyed every moment of it. 

Gina is one of those authors where they write stories and there aren't like major plot twists (there are some but they're not super dramatic like you see in some books/movies that's what I mean) but it still ends up good??? Like, I think all of her books were about just finding a little bit of themselves and they grow as people and I always enjoy reading them. She has a lot of cliffhangers though, and I hate it. The first story I read by her was Boot Camp, I think a few years ago and it's just gotten published so you should like !!! buy it !!! (Link on her profile) 

Also, I really liked the name Emerson before I read this story so when I learned the main character's name was Emerson I was like YES. 

I have a better way of saying what I meant earlier but I've suddenly ran out of words. 

Just read it. You'll see. 

Also her newest book, Always There, is also a great one. I'll put an official suggestion up when it's completed. 

The song I put is Spring Day by BTS. c: 

I have an astrology instagram (and book up on here) if you want to check it out :: realastrology

Here's a link to my spotify: 


Thanks for checking this out!

Happy Valentine's Day. :)

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