Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning

"..Amy, hun, you're an Aries, right? Well, your horoscope says that something very special, yet unexpected is coming your way! It might even be today!"

The blonde just rolled her eyes, laughing. "Yeah, maybe the school will burn down and I won't have to worry about this dumb test. That'd be pretty cool," she said sarcastically, focusing her attention back to studying.

"...World War 2 was from 1939 to...1945? Okay, yea. Got that one. And it started when Hitler-"

"..Excuse the interruption, but can Amy Raudenfeld please report to the main office? Amy Raudenfeld to the main office. Thank you," the secretary called over the PA system.

Amy raised an eyebrow. She never got called to the office, ever. She hurriedly gathered her things, with Karma following along, and made her way out of the cafeteria and to the office.

"Ooh, this is it! The big unexpected part! I told you these things were good-never doubt Teen Beat's horoscopes!" Shane yelled, running after them.

When Amy got there, she dropped her books..and her mouth.

Ciara was standing there with a sign that read, "You and I make the perfect team. PROM?" And there were many cute pictures of Amy and Ciara attached to it, along with both girl's basketball numbers (#11 for Amy, and #28 for Ciara) drawn in a heart.

"Oh my God," is all Amy could say.

"..Well, a 'yes' would be nice, but I mean that's cool, too," Ciara laughed.

Before anyone could say anything else, Amy ran into Ciara's arms, knocking her down to the floor with the force.

"Yes! Of course I'll go to prom with you," the blonde was laughing hysterically, throwing her head back in joy.

Ciara grinned, picking the girl up and spinning her around. "She said yes! She said yes!"

The students and bystanders who'd invited themselves to witness the scene clapped and cheered for the girls, who were hugging each other tight.

Shane screeched loudly, like a teen girl at a Justin Bieber concert, as he jumped up and down, recording the two girls to put on his snapchat story. "Ahhhh! This is the cutest! Goals AF!"

Ciara just raised an eyebrow, chuckling before she gasped, turning back to Amy.
"..Oh, damn, I almost forgot! This is for you, baby," the black girl picked up a bag. Inside, there was a bouquet of flowers, a box of cookies, and some running shorts that were definitely quite, well, short.

"Oh my gosh, seriously?! What's all this for?" Amy shook her head in disbelief. Ciara never stopped giving her things, even when she didn't deserve them.

"Well, the flowers are really just for the whole romantic aspect of it or whatever. Like in the little cheesy movies. And the cookies-do you remember on our first date when I.." she paused, looking slightly embarrassed, "..I said I was a big, soft, gay cookie?"

Amy laughed, remembering instantly. That's when she'd realized that Ciara had a genuine sense of humor and she loved that about her. "..Yea, because after that I said that I like cookies."

"..Well then there you go. And last, the shorts?" She began to smirk, because they both knew exactly what those were for. "..Let's just say that those aren't for basketball practice.." She whispered gently in her ear.

Amy felt the blood rushing through her veins as she got weak in the knees. "I don't have practice until 6:30 tonight, you know.."

"Oh word? Well, we might just be able to put those shorts to good use." She winked, kissing Amy on the cheek.

Karma just watched from the outside, the nagging feeling of jealousy and loneliness biting at her again.

Was this really how Amy had felt when Karma was dating Liam? Had she felt envious that she'd lost a part of her best friend to a relationship that she just couldn't offer?

She just sighed, walking back to class after the bell rang..alone. It wasn't a good feeling.

She saw Liam walking with a girl named Ella that she'd gone to elementary school with. She used to eat glue. Liam was obviously staring at her breasts rather than her face, and all Karma could do was roll her eyes.

It'd been 3 weeks since they'd broken up, and he still didn't have the decency to give her an apology for being unfaithful. He just walked around like nothing they'd had mattered anymore, and she just felt so lost.

"Karma, Karma! Wait up!" She heard Amy call, the girl running to catch up with her.

"You know I always walk with you to class-well, when I can anyway." Amy smiled.

"Oh yeah..I just thought you'd be a bit..distracted," she said, motioning to Ciara, who was waving goodbye as she left their school.

Amy shook her head, raising an eyebrow. "Uh, no? I mean, the whole prom thing was really awesome, I definitely wasn't expecting it..but I mean, it's still any other regular day. And we always walk to class together."

Karma sighed, nodding. She was right-now she probably seemed crazy. Was it obvious she was feeling some type of way?

"..Is something wrong? You seem, I dunno, distant." Amy was concerned and curious-Karma never really acted like this.

"..Oh, no, I'm fine. I'm just not feeling very well, I guess I'm kinda out of it today," she lied. "..But hey, I'll see you later. We're still on for smoothies and studying after school, right?"

Amy face palmed. "Crap. I totally forgot-I made plans with Ciara already..we were..I..I'll cancel, if you want?" She offered, feeling guilty.

"No, no, it's okay. Go ahead-have fun, I'll see you tomorrow," Karma replied quickly, running off without another word. There was practically sarcasm and a strong hint of passive aggressiveness dripping from girl's mouth, and that's how Amy knew she'd messed up.

She bit her lip. "Yikes," she mumbled, going her separate way to put her prom gifts in her locker.

She constantly tried her hardest to make equal time for both her girlfriend and best friend, but with Karma acting like this, she didn't know what to do.

The blonde didn't know exactly what was going on with Karma, but she knew it was something deeper than just a normal jealousy of her best friend being in a relationship while she was single. No, it was definitely something more serious than that..

And Amy was gonna get to the bottom of it.


Okay guys! Tell me what you thought of this chapter-honest opinions please!! And if you have any suggestions on what I can do to make this book better bc I've been kinda experiencing writer's block lately.

Anyway, yay for a Camy promposal! I love promposals-they're so sweet and I just had to write one into here bc I'm a sap and love Ciara and Amy even though they're fictional and DON'T JUDGE ME OKAY.

And what do you think is going on with Karma? How do you think prom night will play out? Who do you want to see more of in this book? So many questions, help me out and comment comment comment! Thanks so much for the support..I love you all more than pasta and Justin Bieber which is A LOT AYEE

Next update should be in a few days-take care babes. Bye! :)❤

Signing Off,
iStartedNothing x

P.S. I apologize for any errors! If you see any, point them out and let me know so I can correct it :)

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