Chapter Twenty Five

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Hey y'all! How is everyone? New update, enjoy! :)

DISCLAIMER- I own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with the cast and crew of Faking It. This is a work of fiction and I'm not making any profit.


"...YOU'RE GOING TO ASK HER TO PROM?!" Karma exclaimed, a bit louder than she should've.

"Hey, keep your voice down!" Ciara's eyes widened as she quickly covered the girl's mouth with her hand.

Ciara, Amy, and Karma had all met up for lunch at Amy's favorite restaurant, and while the blonde had seen it as nothing more than bonding time with her best friend and girlfriend, Ciara had other ideas.

"..You gotta be quiet, Karma..for now, this is just our little secret." Amy had gone off to the restroom, so this gave the other girls a couple minutes at most to talk in private.

"Sorry, sorry..just got excited. But you're seriously gonna do it?"

"That's the plan. I really love her and I wanna make this night special, something neither of us will forget, you feel me?"

Karma gave a small smile, nodding. She was so happy for her best friend, but she couldn't help but feel something deep down inside of her..jealousy? Envy?

"..Wait, you guys aren't gonna have sex, are you? I know everyone does that on prom night and all, but-"

"Nah, I didn't exactly have that in mind. I mean, unless she wants to, but I mean, I just wanna be with her. I wanna dance and take corny prom pictures and just make some memories with my girl. That's all," she explains, popping a tater tot into her mouth afterwards.

The brunette was satisfied with this answer. She knew that she shouldn't have cared about whether they were having sex or not, and that it wasn't really her business, but honestly, it'd just been on her mind for some odd reason. She didn't know why, but the thought of someone touching her best friend in sexual ways and making her feel those types of erotic just did something to her.

She shook away her thoughts as Amy came back and slid her way into the booth, next to Ciara.

"I'm back," she announced with a smile, taking a sip of her drink. "What are we talking about?"

"..Not much," Ciara said nonchalantly, swinging her arm around her girlfriend's neck, playing it cool. "Just talking about the summer's coming fast, school's almost over, you know."

Amy frowned. "Don't remind me. That means you're about to graduate and go off to some big university and leave me here," she said.

"Nope. I mean, yeah I'm graduating, but don't worry about all that other stuff right now. I'm not even worried about it," Ciara said with a carefree shrug. "I'm just chillin'. Besides, baby, there's so much to look forward to before all of that-like my senior class trip, my last basketball game, senior ditch day, prom, a few parties here and there.."

Amy wasn't really listening until she heard the word 'prom'. She knew that she and Ciara were going to prom together (or at least that's what she assumed since they were girlfriends), but she didn't expect a cute promposal like the one's she'd seen online and on TV.

Ciara already did so much for her on a regular basis, so there was no need to go the extra mile to ask Amy out to prom. And she probably wouldn't.
But life was full of surprises, and sometimes our "nevers" turn into possibilities which then become realities.


(A week later)

Amy was sitting at her usual lunch table with Shane and Karma, munching on some grapes and studying for her upcoming history test. Shane was reading the horoscope column in some cheesy teen pop magazine.

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