Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Christine's POV

The next school day seemed to drag on forever. I went to classes but couldn't concentrate because I couldn't stop wondering what would happen at 4 o'clock. I was visualizing a bunch of different scenarios in my head. Thankfully, no one -specifically Carlotta- bothered me throughout the day, so I was left alone to my thoughts.

Finally chorus came, which was my last class of the day. Meg immediately noticed something was up.

"What's wrong, Chrissy?" The bell hadn't rung yet to begin class, so we were free to talk.

"Nothing," I quickly said. But then I sighed. "I'm just kind of nervous..."

"How come?"

Before I could answer, the bell rang and Mrs. Giry silenced all of us.

Chorus was the same as usual, which was to say it went horribly with many kids singing wrong notes and talking out of turn.

As soon as it ended, I rushed over to Mrs. Giry.

"You spoke to him," she said before I could say anything. She had a knowing smile on her face.

"I did! And I have a lesson at-"

"4 o'clock," she finished.

"How did you know?"

"I spoke to him last night, too, briefly."

"Oh." Looking at the clock on the wall, I rushed towards the door and yelled, "Bye, Meg," before dashing out of the room.

Meanwhile, Meg looked at her mom and asked, "What was that about?"

"She's just nervous," Mrs. Giry replied before going into her office.

Meg sighed frustratedly. "I already knew that."


Mom drove to the apartment complex while I twirled a strand of my brown curls nervously.

"Don't be so nervous, Christine. This will be fun."

"How do you know?" I squeaked.

"Well, I don't know for sure. But I do know what voice lessons are generally like. They're wonderful. You'll learn so much!"

"I just hope he doesn't think my voice is the worst he's ever heard."

"Don't be silly! You have a beautiful voice."

I rolled my eyes. "You always say that."

"Yes, and I know what I'm talking about."

Within no time, we arrived at the apartment and I tensed up.

"Ok baby, we're here," Mom said looking at me. "You go in there with a smile and keep your mind open. You'll learn a lot. I can't wait to hear about it."

"Ok, I'll try my best." Taking a deep breath, I said 'bye' to Mom and walked to the door of Mr. Destler's apartment.


Erik's POV

I was born to die. Clearly, I was. My appearance confirm it. Countless times I've had the chance to give into my fate, but I have never been one to surrender to destiny.

At nineteen years old, I live alone and have no support system. My father left my mother when she was pregnant with me, and, after the first sight of my face -if one could call it that- she abandoned me. I was forced to live in an orphanage where I was given a mask, a bed, and some scraps of food. I didn't stay there long. Eventually, the streets became my home.

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