the plan

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"Hayley is that you?" I ask for confirmation.

"Yes, Madison it is." she replies and runs down to hug me. I hug her back it feels so good to have a sister who loves me even though she doesn't know me. I felt something weird like there was a spell on her. But I shrugged it off when someone is trying to get our attention.

Someone clears their throat and I take that as a sign to stop hugging each other so I stopped. I stood up and before I could even get all the way they stood in front of Hayley.

"Really? You guys act like I'm going to kill my sister" I said kind of angrily. "How do we know we can trust you and your not here to just kill the baby or you were sent by the witches?" The dirty blonde says kind of rudely. Wait wait Hayley is pregnant. "Wait Hayley your pregnant are you also linked to someone?" "Yeah how did you know?" "I could feel it on you Hayley its like a chill. I could try and undo it." I said hopefully letting them trust me. "Ok unlink Sofie from Hayley now." The dirty blonde one said.

So I told the vampires to back up. I started an incantation I was almost done with it when I started feeling something warm run down my nose and I started feeling dizzy. All of a sudden I was thrown into the wall and knocked out. It takes a lot to over power me considering I have practiced all my life and I have practiced almost all types magics.

I woke up on a couch in the family room where I was knocked out. The dirty blonde one came in and said "finally you're awake" Yea-" was all I could say before he sped over and choked me up against the wall. "What-the-bloody-hell-are-you-doing" I managed to get out.

I mustered up enough energy to blast him off me. I got up and held him down with I migraine. Then Elijah walked in and simply asked me to stop and so I did. I think Klaus was his name stood up and did not look happy he started to walk towards me but someone stepped in front of me.

"Klaus, you can't touch her without going through me." I looked up to see it was Hayley. She winked at me. "Your awake" Elijah said with a smile.

"Wait what do you mean 'she's awake'?" I questioned. "Well when you were blasted into the wall Hayley flew back as well. I caught Hayley and the wall caught you but Rebekah caught you before you hit the ground." Klaus said a little mad.

"Something stopped me from removing the spell. I think it was the ancestors or it might have been the person who did the spell with the help of the ancestors." I stated.

Kluas asked "Can I speak with you Elijah" he agreed. Something didn't feel right so I told Hayley to go lie down and Klaus said Rebekah left last night.

I went into the room where I saw them head into. When I peaked through the cracked door I saw Klaus dagger Elijah. Elijah slowly started to desecate. Hey I said as I walked in and Klaus grabbed a cloth and sped over to me and held the cloth against my face. The last words I heard were "So, sorry love you shouldn't of come in here. But I can't have you spoiling my plan."

Darkness started to take over me I tried to fight it but the more I fought the easier it was to fall into the darkness.

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