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Fang's pov:

She yelled at me, she rejected me. My heart was broken into two and I felt a searing pain strike through my chest. She yelled at me to get out of her life, to leave. I understood and respected her wishes, but it was hard to leave her and the friends and family back here in the Jade Palace. I had tried everything to get her to like me, but my best wasn't enough for her. How foolish of me to fall in live again. Why is it that every time I fall in love it is with the wrong person? My first love was my brotherly love for Tai Lung who was like a brother to me more than my own brother. But he betrayed me and the Jade Palace and it still hurts me until now.

The second love I had was a beautiful fox, but she had cheated on me with my brother, Fu. The second one pretended to love me - which was just as bad as what my first love did. I tried to stay strong and not find love again to hurt myself, but I just fell in love with her. I didn't know why I did or what happened, but I ended up hurting myself again.

"I don't need you! I hate you! I wish you'd just get out of my life!", she screamed. Her words stabbed me like a knife. Those words... They kept ringing in my ear, mocking me. I couldn't get them out of my head.

While I was in deep thought I hadn't realized my body becoming light, my feet slowly backing up as the wind pushed me back. I hadn't realized that I was falling. I fell, and I continued to fall. The sky was what I saw as I fell, her figure becoming blurry and fading away from my vision like dust. I didn't bother to call out for help. She wished for me to get out of her life, didn't she? Well, I'll be out of her life.

She'll never see me again.

'I still love you, Kitten...,' that was my last thought.

I closed my eyes as I waited to hit something, anything. I disappeared into mist before plunging into water. My breath was pushed out of my lungs as water seeped into my mouth and nose. I don't remember what happened after that, but...

It still hurts.

Tigress' pov:

I yelled at him in anger. He was annoying. I hated him. I tried to ignore him abd his attempts at courting me, but he already found my breaking point. I never wanted to see him again, but did I really want that? That was what my heart said, but my mind said that I didn't need him. He was useless to me, nothing to me.

Blinded by anger I hadn't realized he was being whisked away by the wind, his feet backing up to the edge of the mountain. 'He was going to fall off the cliff!', I thought in alarm. I ran forward, hand stretching out to grasp him and pull him back. I called out to him, called his name, but it was like he couldn't hear me. A fearful emotion went through me as I see him. He started to fall, his foot slipping off the cliff. Suddenly, everyone started to arrive - they had probably heard me scream out Fang's name in distress.

"What happened?", Crane asked.

"It's Fang! He fell off the cliff!", I explained.

Crane then flew down after Fang and tried to catch him, but he fell to fast into the fog and Crane could no loner fly after. He flew back up and landed, panting a bit from the adrenaline. I started to feel nauseous, guilty. I started to feel a sense of loss within me. 'What have I done?', I wondered. There was a painful feeling in my chest that came with the sense of dread and loss. When I saw Fang fall, my heart ached badly. Why did I feel this way? Why now? I hated him, didn't I?

"Tigress, what have you done?", Viper asked the same question I was asking myself as she and the rest looked at me. I stared down at the foggy abyss, Master Shifu looking at me with a disappointed look. Fang was one of his best students. He was better than me. In fact, he was Master Shifu's student when he and Master Oogway sent Tai Lung to Chorh-Gom Prison. He was 3 years older than me.
I don't know why I said what I said. Yes, I was annoyed that he tried courting me, but not so much that I hated him with a burning passion. Fang was my best friend for a long time. We had known each other since I came to the Jade Palace. Why did I do that? 'Why?', I asked myself.

"I am very disappointed in you, Tigress.", was all Master Shifu said. Fang was very close to Master Shifu since Fang was like a son to him like how Tai Lung had been. Fang wasn't trained like Tai Lung since Master Shifu only focused on training him and Master Oogway was old, so when Tai Lung's training finished and he was able to train on his own Master Shifu went to training Fang who trained as hard as Tai Lung had. When he betrayed the Jade Palace and got sent to Chorh-Gom Prison, Fang trained as twice as hard and he was almost as good as a fighter to Master Oogway.

My Assassin (Kung Fu Panda fanfic - Tigress x OC) [REVISED✅]Where stories live. Discover now