Chapter XIII

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Assassin's pov:

I woke up laying on a mat as I rubbed my head. That was when I noticed that my clothes were removed and needles were placed on my body. Oh look. Even my armor was removed and I was left in my pants. A bandage was wrapped around my side where Lord Shen wounded me and I clumsily stitched myself up, but it felt like the stitches were renewed.

I looked to my right to see Po still unconscious. Needles were also placed on his body. He seemed to have more bandages wrapped around him. I looked to my left to see the goat sitting by the fire, drinking tea. My armor was on the other side of the fire.

"You're awake.", she said. I removed the needles off of me as I sat down near the fire. I put on my armor and clothes by leaving my hood off my head.

"Why do you hide yourself, Fang?"

"What are you talking about? My name isn't Fang."

"You have forgotten.", she said. My ears perked up. What have I forgotten?

"What are you talking about, lady?"

"You were once part of the Jade Palace. You were also Po's best friend. You were in love with Tigress.", wait. Did she say I met Kitten and the panda already? I only met them like... yesterday!

"What do you remember when you woke up after that fall?", the lady goat asked again.

"...I remember that I woke up at the riverbank near Gongmen City. I didn't remember much of who I was or where I came from, I only had my pendant on me. All I knew was that I had lost something close to me.", I replied honestly, glancing down at my pendant and taking it into my hands.

"Hmm... Your name was Fang. You are 24 yrs old. You were like a son to Master Shifu and a brother to Tai Lung. You trained at the Jade Palace. You were best friends with Tigress, Po, Monkey, Mantis, Crane, and Viper. One day, you got rejected by Tigress because you tried to show your love to her. You then fell to your death. They thought that on the ground beneath them was rock, but it was a river. A panda had seen you and brought you up to the shore of a riverbank. I believe from the fall, you had amnesia. You weren't recovering from it. It only grew worse as it only made you the maned wolf you are now.", the goat said. How did she know all this? Yes, I woke up at a riverbank near Gongmen City bejng an amnesiac and not remembering anything of my past, but how does she know who I am?

"How do you know all of this?", I asked.

"The universe told me. Not only that I know who you are, I know who your friend is too. He is not what he think he is. He comes from a different family. Something just happened to make him separate with his mother and father. But it was good. It made him the panda he is today.", the goat said as I looked at Po.

"I don't need you! I hate you! I wish you'd just get out of my life!", that voice. It was Kitten's voice. It ringed in my head and it started to give me a headache.

"Do you remember now?", the goat asked. I stayed silent for a while, then all the memories came flooding back to me. When Tai Lung got sent to Chorh-Gom Prison, from my childhood to when I was 22 yrs old. The fall. I remembered everything now.

"I remember."

My Assassin (Kung Fu Panda fanfic - Tigress x OC) [REVISED✅]Where stories live. Discover now