Epilogue: Six Months

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It was the last day of Nick's community service at the ZPD and even though he would never admit it, he was quite sad to be leaving. Not because of the hard work - he was actually looking forward to leaving that behind - but because of Judy. Even though they'd exchanged numbers and addresses, Nick still couldn't help but feel somewhat empty that he would leaving Judy at the end of the day. He didn't want to, but there was no choice.

Judy, on the other hand, couldn't have been more excited. Not at the fact that Nick would be leaving, but because she had come up with a way for them to see eachother everyday.

Bogo had been on her tail - quite literally - for some time now about her getting a partner and all. Sure, Judy was an amazing cop and all, but she was the only cop on the force without a partner, and the chief even considered pairing her up with Clawhauser! So, with Bogo's permission of course, Judy picked up a signature yellow application form from his office and had it saved in her pocket for when the time was right.

"So, Nick, what are you planning to do when you get off of community service?" She asked during roll call, looking over at the fox sharing her seat with hope in her eyes.

Nick craned his head up to the ceiling and pursed his lips, as if he was thinking of what he actually would do after today. He honestly had no idea what he would be doing after this. He was sort of hoping the wind would blow him and - hopefully - blow him in the right direction.

"To be honest, I don't know," he answered, looking back down at Judy with creased eyebrows. "I'll probably go work in a supermarket or something."

Judy felt an undeniable smile creep up onto her face as she reached into her back pocket, pulling out the yellow application form and twirling it around in her paws.

"Funny you should say that," she started timidily, looking down at the paper in her paws so that Nick wouldn't see the stupid grin plastered on her face. "Because I've been thinking, and well...it would be nice...to have a partner."

Judy looked up at the end, her eyes brightening at the confused smile on Nick's face as she handed him the yellow form. He looked down at it then looked back at Judy before unfolding it and scanning the sheet.

"You sure you want me to be your partner?" He asked teasingly with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes," Judy answered, a little too quickly, and cleared her throat, clasping her paws together in front of her chest. "Yes. You really helped me with The Preds case and I think you'd make a pretty good cop."

"Carrots, all I did was turn up to their hideout fashionably late with a fake police uniform on and a fake gun," he responded flatly, a little laugh coming out at the end.

"Exactly!" Judy giggled. "Not to mention how good you looked in that fake uniform. I think you'll look even better in a real police uniform."

Nick smirked at her, turning his head back to the application form in front of him, reading it once more before turning back to Judy, a genuine smile on his face instead of his usual smirk.

"Alright. I'll be your partner, Carrots," he said, watching as Judy's whole face lit up, her ears slowly perking up as her eyes widened.

"Yes!" Judy squealed, jumping on Nick and throwing her arms around his neck, catching him off guard at first until she pulled back, finding herself in Nick's lap.

Judy blushed. "S-sorry," she stuttered out an apology as she started to climb off of Nick's lap.

Suddenly, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back onto him so their bodies were touching and kissed her deeply, not giving a damn about the other officers around him. Judy was startled at first, but soon recovered from her daze pretty quickly and kissed Nick back with just as much passion.

Once they pulled back, Judy gazed into Nick's eyes, admiring the beautiful emerald that shone through them, whereas Nick was admiring the purple in Judy's eyes that added more life to her character.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that for," Nick stated, chuckling at the end.

"Six months?" Judy asked teasingly, raising an eyebrow at him.

Nick smirked lightly before grazing his lips against Judy's and kissing her again.

"Longer than that."



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