Chapter 7: Late Night Discoveries

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Two updates in one day?! Well, I'm feeling generous and I'm going to Disneyland Paris tomorrow for four days, so I may not be able to update any fanfiction.


Pulling up in front of the ZPD, Judy let a yawn escape her lips. The sky was pitch black with bright shining stars acting as light to guide their way, as well as the many street lights. Judy decided to go to The Preds' hideout tomorrow night with Nick, as he had excellent night vision and would be able to see whether The Preds were there or not, whereas Judy could listen in places where Nick couldn't see.

It was funny really; how Judy and Nick were supposed to be natural enemies, yet they managed to fill up some part the other didn't have. Perhaps that's why Bogo assigned Nick to Judy, because they would make a good team.

"Carrots~?" Nick sang, waving his paw in front of Judy's face.

"Hm?" She asked, snapping back to reality as she turned to face Nick, who still had a smirk on his face.

"Are we gonna go or not?" He asked, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder at the door. "This evidence won't upload itself."

Judy blinked a few times, confused as to what Nick was talking about. Then she remembered that she was still in the car and jumped slightly.

"Oh! Oh, yeah! Let's go!" She exclaimed suddenly, opening the door and hopping out of the car.

Nick followed, closing the door behind him as he watched Judy fumble with the keys. Eventually, she managed to lock the door, and the two of them walked into the empty ZPD after Judy unlocked it with her fumbling paws.

"You ok, Carrots? You" Nick asked, looking down at the bunny next to him.

"I'm fine," Judy answered, a bit too quickly, and she pursed her lips. "I'm just tired."

"Then go home," Nick shrugged like it was no big deal.

"I can't!" Judy whined, her voice echoing through the empty building as they reached her office. "I have to upload this evidence to my computer first."

"Then I'm helping," Nick stated bluntly as he followed Judy into her office and closed the door behind him.

"What?" Judy asked in somewhat disbelief, managing to shoot Nick one look before hopping up onto her desk chair and turning on the computer.

"I'm helping," he repeated, smiling happily. "Two heads work quicker than one."

Judy stared at Nick with a look on uncertainty for a few seconds before nodding, indicating that he could help.

The chair he had pulled up earlier was still there, so he sat on it, and only then did he realise how close he was to Judy. Suddenly, a goofy smile crept up onto his face, and he was lucky that the room was completely dark apart from the glow of the computer screen, otherwise Judy would've seen his stupid smile.

As they got to work, Judy started thinking. Nick wasn't actually a bad guy once she got to know him, so what persuaded him to become a criminal? Sure, he could be really annoying at times, but he seemed like a good guy. She didn't know much about him, but she knew enough to draw a conclusion that Nick was actually good, but his pride wouldn't let him admit that.

"Nick, can I ask you a question?" She suddenly asked, turning her head to look at Nick.

"You just did," Nick replied smartly, causing Judy to narrow her eyes at him.

"Nick," she growled and Nick chuckled.

"Sure, go ahead," he laughed, looking up at Judy with a smile on his face.

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