Bucky - Dad

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You woke up and checked the time. 3 'o clock. Again. You rubbed your eyes and sighed wearily.

This is the 3rd night in a row. The baby is crying AGAIN.

You walked to the side of the crib and picked up the baby. Rocking her back and forth until she fell asleep.

You put her back in her crib.

And then, it hit you, you started to cry.

You couldn't take much more of this.

You just stood there, sobbing.

Bucky woke up to the sound of sobbing.

"Oh no." He thought. "Is the baby awake again?"

He turned over to wake you up. "(Y/N) - ?"

"She's not here." He whispered. He got up and groggily rubbed his eyes.

He walked into the nursery and saw you from the door way just standing there sobbing.

A pang of guilt hit him, like a stab through the heart.

"I've left her to deal with this by herself."  He thought. "I'm a horrible husband."

Bucky walked over and hugged you.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head in your neck.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"I'm so tired of this!!" You said.

"I'm so stressed my HAIR is falling out!!"

"Doll I'm so sorry." Bucky said with a sad tone in his voice.

Bucky pulled you over to the rocking chair in the corner of the room.

He sat you down in it on his lap, and sat there with you in his arms until you fell asleep.

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