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"Marinette?" Lapin said shocked. "You're Ladybug?"

Marinette nodded, like it was a normal thing.

"What's going on?" he pointed at her transformation. She shrugged.

"Her kwami is ill and she can't tranform normally back, until it gets better,"  Chien Marron explained.

Then pieces started falling into places in Nathanael's head.

"Wait if Ladybug is Marinette, then that means ..." he looked at the two heroes infront of him. "..-Adrien is Chat Noir,"

"God, finally someone who's not stupid around here," Marinette muttered quietly.

"What was that?" Chien Marron asked, looking her sideways.

"I said that you're stupid," Marinette gave him one of her most charming smiles.

Lapin just laughed.

"I haven't intruduced myself," rabbit-themed hero said and walked closer. "I'm Lapin Blanc,"

"You two talk, I need to go, before my mom figures I'm gone. That would be a disaster," Chien sighed, before he jumped onto another roof, running away.

Marinette knew his mother was sharp and she laughed at the thought of him being punished.

"Marinette or Ladybug if you prefer," she smiled, accepting his hand. This time she had time to actually look at the boy infront of her.

He seemed to notice her stare, so he blushed and looked away. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," Marinette told him. "You remind me of someone,"

"Good or bad someone?" he asked, with narrowed eyes.

"Good someone. A friend," she smiled.

"What's your favourite subject in school?" she asked, crossing her arms behind her back.

He looked at her weirdly. "Art, why?"

She smirked. "Nothing, just trying to get to know you better," they both talked for a while, but nothing seemed out of oridinary.

"I'll go, will you be okay?" he asked. She shook her head.

"I don't know how I'm going to get home," she laughed. "I don't have my yoyo," she shrugged. "I'll walk I guess,"

Lapin just shook his head, because he knew what she was doing. He grabbed her bridal style, before running towards Adrien's.

"How do you know where to go?" she asked.

"I might have eavesdropped a little," he laughed, before he jumped through Adrien's window. They watched for cameras, so none of them caught the sight of them.

"Marinette!" Adrien exclaimed as he pulled her into a hug as soon as she was on the floor.

Then he looked up for Lapin and he just nodded knowingly. "Thanks,"

"No problem, Adrien. See you," he left.

"Nathanael," she just laughed.

"What?" he asked. "Why are you mentioning him?"

"Let's just say those two got into a bigger love square than we did," Marinette laughed, giving him a kiss on a cheek.


Chien Marron didn't need to go home. He needed to think.

He was sure he liked Nathanael, but Lapin Blanc was there too.

While Nathanael was shy and blushing, Lapin was sassy and always had something to say.

He was torn. "What? Forgot your way home?"

He quickly turned around and saw the rabbit standing behind him. It didn't take the two long to sit next to each other - kind of close, but none of them cared.

"No, I just needed to think," Chien replied truthfully.

"You don't mind me asking, what about?" Lapin asked, not caring if he's invading his personal space.

Chien laughed to himself. How could I fall for two totally different guys?

"Everything," he answered, not really caring what Lapin would think,

"Well, you're going to think for a while. Need anything to eat?" Lapin laughed.

Chien looked him right in his bright blue eyes. "Stop,"

"Stop what?"

"Stop,-" being so adorable. "-being annoying,"

Lapin faked a sad face and held his heart. "Don't say something like that again. It's killing me!"

Chien laughed and playfully nudged his friend between ribs.

"You know, it's really weird being the last hero to join the group," Lapin admitted. It really felt weird. It felt like they didn't tell him everything.

He saw how Ladybug and Chat Noir worked in sync.

"I know how it feels, Carrot," he wanted to cheer up the atmosphere.

"It doesn't bother me, so call me whatever you want," Lapin laughed.

Chien Marron shook his head. "It bothers me,"

For a second there, they both stopped, looking each other. They started leaning in, but they stopped half way and just stare at each other.

Before anyone could do anything, not even Chien's brain was working fine, he leaned in and pressed a kiss on his cheek.

When he realized what he has done, he moved away quickly. "I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to,"

He looked at blushing boy infront of him. White color made his red cheeks stand out even more.

"I-I'm so sorry,"

With that he was gone.


My hand slipped. Oops 🐰🐶

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