I inched my way closer to him, my fist curling around the handle of the cutting board, when Taya spoke again.

"When are you coming over? It's 9:15 already. Do you need a ride?" She quizzed, sounding genuinely concerned. Although, I'm sure she hadn't wanted to sound that way. Taya's always been as stubborn as they get, not showing much of any real interest whatsoever. I think that's what drew me towards her.

"9:15 already? Man. Long day. And, sure." I sighed, rubbing my temples. "I don't get paid enough."

I sent a displeased look at Nate, who seemed quite preoccupied with his very amusing bowl of o's. He frowned down at the saucer, pushing the residue milk back and forth. He perked up almost instantly, his head bolting off the table to meet my judgemental glare.

"Hun, you get paid--" She deadpanned, before a deep bellow interrupted her thoughts.

"9:15?! Are you kidding?!" Nate's voice suddenly transformed into an enraged and disgusted howl, as he practically trampled over to me, leaning a bit closer to me than I would have liked.

"Uh, yeah." I said blankly, poking his chest hard to move him away.

"Damnit. I'm so late. God d- I'm so late..." He muttered to himself, wiping the sweat that had formed on his brow. He's still as pale as the white spots on a cow, and as hot as Scarlett Johansson; I'm obsessed; and yet, he's still strangely convinced himself that he's delayed his visit to somewhere, somehow. How in anyone's right mind does he think he's going anywhere tonight, in that type of condition?! Not that I care...

"Taya, you know how to use the GPS in my phone. Track me. I'll be waiting." I waved her off without another thought, ending the phone call. I've been doing that a lot lately. "What's up with you? You're irritable, and now you're late for something?! --Clearly, you're delusional."

He marched towards me, grabbing my wrist, and squeezing until I could feel the pins inside my palm. I winced under his grip, and locked into his eyes, only then realizing how serious he actually was. His eyes burned a red hue, and they almost appeared insane.

"What's going on?" I lowered my gaze to the floor, hoping to find the answers there. I found myself having a staring match with a smashed piece of a Froot Loop, before Nate's finger found the skin beneath my chin, and pulled me upwards to match his gaze, yet again. The fire from his finger tips reverberated inside my being, setting off a complexity of embers inside my body.

"Don't worry about what I do. Just-- It's late. You should go." He said quietly, dismembering himself from and stuffing his hands deep into his pockets. "You're off duty now, right? Whatever I do is none of your business, as long as you're not my dumb babysitter. --Actually, you're a guest right now, so you're going outside."

My eyes bloated, as he lead me through the white and gold entrance, only to slam it roughly behind me, bumping my rump on the way out. I turned back around, half expecting him to open it back up and apologize, and half craving for just that. When a moderate amount of time passed and still no apology, I glowed in anger, and rushed down the driveway to meet Taya's car at the gates.

What's stuck up his--


"I don't think you understand the beauty of this cat!" Taya exclaimed openly, beckoning to the Tabby in the square box on the table. It pounced on the piano keys almost rhythmically, appearing to be playing some classical piece or whatever. My mind was elsewhere.

I felt drained. I felt tired, almost. As if everything inside my body was over worked and exhausted, one simple yawn proving to be too hard and straining.

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