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So today I'm FINALLY updating! :) Btw I'm gonna try 3rd person! Wish me luck! xo


*Friday December 11, 2009*

It's been over two weeks since Louis woke up in the hospital. After he awoke he was required to remain there for an extra week and had to spend a week at home. Now today he is finally able to go back to school but he's not so sure he's happy about that...

Since he's been gone the drama class has yet been able to rehearse the kissing scenes. Because of this Eleanor feels extremely nervous about most likely having to kiss Louis today. But little does Louis know he'll have to kiss her...


*Drama Class*

The class has been working on the play intently and now class is nearly over. But there is time for one more scene: A kissing scene. As Louis' looking over the script he notices the kiss for the first time. Eleanor, who was staring at him intently for his reaction notices his face pale. Must have seen the kiss. she thought to herself.

"Eleanor!" Louis calls walking towards her.

But it's too late. Mr. Thomas calls them up on the stage to rehearse the scene.

Well here goes nothing.

The two of them walk up onto the stage from different sides and sit down in the fake car. The "drive-in movie" made by other members of the class begins playing in the background then it's time to begin.

As the script reads Louis puts his arm around Eleanor's shoulders and again, just as the script reads, Eleanor removes his arm causing a few snickers from the rest of the class. Then the lines begin.

"Why don't you move over a little closer Sandy."  Louis recites perfectly much to everyone's surprise. You wouldn't even notice that he's been out for nearly six weeks. Eleanor thought to herself.

"This is alright Danny." Eleanor recites.

A few more lines are spoken just as perfectly as the previous ones before the real scene begins.

"Hey you're not seeing another guy are you?" Louis asks Eleanor.

"No. Why?" Eleanor responds in a nearly perfect American accent.

"Well...uh..." Louis begins before leaning over the car and pretending to pull a ring off of his finger with great difficulty.

"Jesus." He mutters accurately quoting the script.

He soon gets it off his finger and sits up turning to Eleanor.

"I was gonna give you my ring." He recites.

"Oh Danny!" Eleanor quotes "I don't know what to say!"

"Well don't ya want it?" Louis inquires

"Uh huh." Eleanor responds.

It's getting closer. The class can clearly see the couple's nervousness about the coming lines.

"...I shoulda told ya a long time ago..." Louis quotes with a breathy tone to his voice before going to kiss "Sandy" on the lips. But before he can do so she turns her head to the side making it so he kisses her on the cheek. Just as the script says.

"I really like you Sandy." Louis says before leaning in for the coveted kiss.

He's almost there. They can feel each other's nervous breaths and then...


The bell rings signaling the end of class. The other students who had become fairly interested in this groaned out in protest while Eleanor and Louis quickly moved away from each other and had the same thought.

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