All Hail the Old Ones - A Short-Short Story by @AngusEcrivain

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They are the New Gods and they replaced the Old Ones, who faded from memory without so much as a barely audible whisper.

People fought for them, for the New Gods. Against all sense and reason, they did, and they were brutal, bloody battles.

And the World was changed, altered into a place that none who lived in the beginning recognised.

Not that there was any of them left. They disappeared just as the OId Ones did, though unlike those we used to call Gods they did not go quietly into the night.

No, they fought like bastards.

They fought 'til their very last, 'til their final collective breath.

They did not fight as though their lives depended upon such a thing for that was not the case.

It was much bigger than that.

They fought that their legacy might be cemented, ingrained into the memories of the mother and father of everyone they killed.

They fought because there was no other choice.

They fought because they had to do so.

They fought, because it was by far the better of two evils.

They fought because if they did not, no one would ever remember that there was life before the New Gods.

They fought because they believed the New Gods were bullshit.

They fought and though they did not win the final battle their efforts and sacrifices were not in vain for when the Old Ones return so will they.

They will once again be given preferential treatment as the Old Ones' favourite creations, their warriors, their children.

They will return and they will praise the Old Ones according to the Old Ways. They will raise their children in line with their beliefs, in line with the teachings of the Old Ones.

For the New Gods cannot last. Though they will never admit it their time is fleeting, and their fifteen minutes of fame is almost up.

The Old Ones are coming and they are all powerful.

The Old Ones will destroy them.

The Old Ones will destroy their world and build anew.

All hail the Old Ones.

All hail Mankind.

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