Chapter 5 : All My Life - Blake

Start from the beginning

Bah! As if! Wouldn't I know if she were dead? I would have felt it. But no, never have I felt it and I thank the god that she is alive. That she is breathing. Even if she doesn't ever meet me, at least she is alive and healthy, living her life happily. That's all I can hope at this point of time.

The Royal Council had decided on my 21st birthday that I would have to marry a girl chosen by them on my 20th birthday if I don't find my mate till then. 

Really? Are they really so stupid? How had they came up to the position of the council when they are so crazy?

They really believe that I'll abandon my mate and marry some power hungry she-wolf? They really think that I'll betray my mate and marry someone who isn't perfect for me? 


Absolutely NOT!!!

I don't care if I have to give up my position as the Alpha King, I don't care if I have to force them , but I'll never-ever mate with anyone other than my destined  mate, my future. 

I am the King, they have to listen to me. 

But the thing is that, the Luna, the Alpha-Female is required in any pack to make the pack and the Alpha stronger. She is like the mother of all the wolves in the pack. She is the one who strings all the members of the pack together in one huge web of love and care. 

The Alpha male represents the coldness, ruthlessness and Dominance a leader should have when dealing with an enemy, while the Luna depicts the exact opposite. She represents the kindness and softness a leader should possess when dealing with the members off their pack.

She is the soft side of the ruthless alpha. She is the only one who can tame the beast that is the alpha's wolf. She is the only one who can disobey the alpha, and in this case, the only one in the entire world who can contradict The Alpha King. Me.

It was any ordinary day, sunny weather, slightly cloudy sky and whatnot? If only I had any idea how important this day would become for me. The whole day went as it went any other day, paperwork, files, contracts, negotiations, problems, allies, rogues and the peace treaty with the other supernatural creatures. 

Yes, we're not alone in this world. Namely others like, the witches, wizards, vampires etc are the ones sharing the Earth with us. Though all are bound for peace under the peace treaty that our ancestors filed ages ago.

The only thing I knew that was different about today was that it was a full moon night. 

It was a full moon night and so, this night every member of my pack would have a free rein to run in the forest. Only on Full moon nights. Plus I had to anyways check on a family who had recently shifted here this morning. If they were werewolves I had to have a talk with them about entering my territory without my permission, but if they were humans then we would leave them alone at least for the time we could trust them.

Something was happening. I could feel it. My wolf was going crazy and he wouldn't even tell me about it. It was as if something either very bad or very good was going to take place. Knowing the possibilities I went with the bad thing and increased the patrol and security this morning.

So, here was I, sitting in my office completing some important paperwork at 9 in the night. 

It was time. 

Anytime my Beta would enter asking for permission for the wolves to get ready and warmed up for the run.


He was here.

"Come in." My voice echoed in the silent office. Beta olden entered sweeping his eyes around the office before meeting mine. He bowed slightly and then opened his mouth to speak, when I cut him off.

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