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Maddy's POV

"Wake up Maddy," Kayla shook me awake.

I woke up confused, surrounded by depressing white walls in a depressing atmosphere. I was in the hospital, finally.

"I'm going downstairs to the cafeteria. I thought maybe you wanted to come with me. We could talk about...everything," she said hesitating.

"Uh, yeah, sure." I stood up quickly and looked down at what I was wearing.

"You look fine. It's a hospital, most of the people here have been sleeping in the same clothes for days." She playfully rolled her eyes at me.

"Where are we?" I took a look around. We were in a very small room with two chairs and a small couch with an old TV hanging on the wall. There was a tiny bathroom off to the side but other than that the room is basically empty.

"We're on floor three. Right next to the Room Ryan and your mother are in." I looked at Kayla and she looked like she's holding in buckets of tears.

Kayla and I were in the elevator when my phone buzzed. It was Neymar.

Neymar: Hey Maddy. I hope you're feeling okay. I miss you :/

I smiled to myself. I miss him too. And I miss Dani and Abbey and Leo and everybody back in Barcelona. But I miss my family more.

"Who are you texting," Kayla said with a smirk.

"My friend." I smirked back at her.

"Is your friend a he?"

Instead of answering Kayla verbally, I just texted him back. Hopefully she caught on to what was trying to say.

Me: I miss you too! But I'm getting breakfast right now. I promise to call you once I'm done!!!

Neymar: you better. have a nice breakfast❤️


"Um, Maddy? Are you ever going to get off the elevator?"

"Huh? Oh yeah," Kayla chuckled at me as I hurried out of the elevator, unaware that we even stopped.

"What was distracting you? Or should I say who was distracting you?" Kayla raised an eyebrow at me.

God, this girl. I'm actually starting to grow to like her. I almost felt bad for how I treated her in the past but not year, she could change.

"Well. There was this guy. And we kinda went on a date and stuff. And now we're really close and I really like him. He just sent me the heart emoji."

"Omg let me see."

Kayla snatched my phone away from me and stopped in the kiddo and of the cafeteria to read our messages. I could only imagined how stupid we looked. Two grown women obsessing over a phone.

Once Kayla finished reading my messages, we bought our food and sat down at a small table off to the side. I got a yogurt and some fruit and Kayla got a donut and coffee.

"So, how was Barcelona?" She took a sip of her coffee.

"Good. I met a lot of nice people there and it was really nice to see Dani. I made a couple new friends and stuff."

"That's good. Have you talked to Dani or Abbey since yesterday?"

"No, I think Dani's pretty pissed and Abbeys probably still sleeping to be honest," I said chuckling lightly.

"Well hopefully Dani will get over himself because you're really going to need some family and I don't know if I'll be enough."

When Kayla said this my heart dropped. I didn't want to face reality.


One week later

"Maddy." Kayla creeped over to my bed. We were sleeping in a hotel for four days now because we couldn't stay in the hospital any longer and my parents house was a half hour away from Lansing so we couldn't go there. It was only 3am so I could only wonder what she wanted.

"What's wrong?" I turned on the light by my bed and saw Kayla's tear-stained face. "Shit," I muttered under my breathe.

Somebody died.

Quickly, I got up and got dressed in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. We were almost out the door when a cloud of sickness flew over me. I rushed to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.

"Are you okay? What's going on?"

"I'm fine, Kayla. Let's go."

I raced out of our room and down to the lobby. The hospital was across the street so we just ran over basically.

"The hospital called me and told me Ryan passed away," Kayla told me before entering the hospital.

I was on the verge of tears however I knew this would happen so I've been preparing myself for the last week.

"But that's not all."

I gave Kayla a confused look.

"Your mom died too."

Those four words killed me. I had nobody left. Just me. Nobody was left for me.

We made our way into the hospital. We went to the front desk and Kayla told them about the phone call and they sent us into a small quiet room. I didn't even know what we were waiting for. I only could think of one thing. Call Neymar.

I dialed Neymar's number as quickly as I could and left the room to go talk outside. I felt bad for calling him this early but I really need somebody to talk to.

"Hello? Is everything alright?"

Once Neymar answered big fat teardrops rolled down my cheeks.

"No," I whispered. "I'm all alone. My mom and Ryan passed away. It's just me now Neymar and I don't know what to do."

"Oh my god, baby. I'm so sorry, Maddy," he comforted me. "Didn't Ryan have a fiancé or something? Don't you have her?"

"Well yeah, but no She's not close enough. She's not my family. I have no family left. It's just me. My only family is cousins. And Dani's pissed at me." As soon as I said Dani's name my eyes went wide.

"Well is he still mad after he found out..you know?"

"Shit Neymar! I didn't call him! I called you immediately! Please don't tell him I called you first!"

"No, it's okay, I won't. Go call him. You can talk to me later but you really need to call Dani."

"Okay. Thank you so much! And I'm sorry for wasting your time. I'll talk to you later."

"Stay strong, meu amor," And he hung up.

When I Called Dani to tell him he apologized for being mad at me. I accepted his apology. I couldn't really blame him, I'd be mad too.

Once I finished talking to Dani, I went back inside. He promised to tell Abbey and she was the only other person I wanted to notify about Ryan and my mom.

I went back inside the hospital and saw Kayla crying again. Damn, she's really emotional. I mean, at least she still has family left.

"Kayla," I said softly. "Are you alright?" I sat next to her and waited for her to reply.

"No. I'm supposed to be," she started. "I- I'm supposed to be having his c-child."

I was astonished at what she told me.

She's pregnant and the husband of her child just died.


OMGGG I never thought of update this lmao. I kinda changed the plot a little but I hope ya'll enjoy this chapter

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