More self-deprecating in advance [Chapter 29]

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"This is great guys," Dixie repeats. She's been extremely nice in the last couple days. It sets me on edge. Whatever, people are people. 

My muscles tense up unexpectedly, catching the soft sound of laughter a couple tables over. I discern a couple words, mainly, "fattie," "eating again," and "all that food,". They can't be talking about me, can they? Glancing over quickly, I affirm what I already know. I've never seen any of those girls in my life. 

Alexis shoots them a glare. 

"Ignore them," I grit my teeth. 

"Yeah, they're stupid," she agrees, but obviously my weak attempt at bravery didn't convince her either.  She shakes her head furiously, trying to get the thought out, I hope. My appetite is suddenly gone. Alexis puts down her fork as well.  

Eventually, I get up and move closer on the premise of dumping the rest of my tray. I need to know what they're saying.

But they've stopped talking by the time I get there, and my blood runs cold. Something isn't right something isn't right, my legs are giving out. I can't feel my lungs moving, I can't feel my heart beating. 

They were too late, no one could save me.

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