chapter 2

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I woke up in a dark room with no lights, Sammi was besides me with a terrifed look on her face. I tried to ask her where we were because i didn't know how long she'd been awake or if she knew anything. The man that was in the black van came in still in his ski mask and told us to get up. Sammi and i got up and stood as close as possible to eachother. The woman walked in and now i could see she had long black hair the reached her upper stomach. She yanked Sammi to the other side of the room, and told her to sit in a chair that had ropes around it, which to me looked like she was going to tie her to it so she couldnt run away. Sammi refused, and the woman slapped her. Whith blood trickleing from Sammi's lip she still refused. The woman grabbed Sammi by the arm and threw her up against the wall. Sammi fell to the ground with a loud thud. I started to cry, but caught myself so they wouldnt hurt me too. With Sammi's body limp and not moving the women beat her with a baseball bat until Sammi was all black and blue and nonmoving. That was the last time i ever saw Sammi alive again. When the man relized what the woman had just done they fled the room. I heard a loud rummble and heard car tired screech on the pavement. Thats when i knew they were gone. I crawled over Sammi's body, to find it limp and motionless. Blood was all over her. I gave her a hug then found a phone and called 911.

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