Part 2 Chapter 8

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Ok so you know how i said my life couldnt possibly get any wores?, well..... you guessed it.... it did. i found out i had to go to a different school bacause the boundry lines for my school disterict have changed! i was so angry i finally made some friends and now i had to leave them it was totally bonkerz! i still had half a year left here though.

ok so bout half way through the year i met this girl her name isabell. she was total mean girl material, yet i didnt listen to my friends about her and became her "best friend". i sat at the table she sat at 3 tables away from my real friends and was truly and compleatly ignored. as soon as i gathered up the nerve to say no to isabell and go back to sitting with my real friends, lemme tell you i never heard the end of it from isabells "popular" friends that only liked her because the was what every one called "popular".as soon as i told them to leave me alone that i didnt care what was popular because what was popular wasnt always right my real friends were there to support me.

with only a quarter of the school year left i had to be true to my friends and not listen to the "populars". it wasnt that easy though because "populars can be pretty mean sometimes and its really hard no to fight back, but thank goodness for my friends who helped me through it all!

but eventually the maybe best school yesr ive ever had had to end................ and we all know good always ends so i was probly guessing the next year wouldnt be so good. its just a hunch i dont know maybe itll be perfenct, or maybe itll be so bab ill be the new girl with no friends all over again.

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