Halloween Special:

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Only had a quick edit , Sorry for any mistakes.

Halloween special :

"Hello and welcome to spook festival here in cliff ridge , That's right folks this small town has come alive to welcome the spirits of the dead"

Huh , That's enough of that .

I turn off the t.v After flicking through the hundreds of channels , There is never anything on around Halloween apart from stupid fake films about ghosts and monsters , Murderers who come and kill you on one night every year , Please .

Ive never actually ever been a Halloween sort of guy , Knocking on strangers doors to receive candy , Or if your one of those greedy children that knock for money , Bloody beggars , I thought the whole concept of Halloween was to welcome the spirits and shit ?

I have no idea where this whole candy thing came from , I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation.

"James , Are you ready ? "

My Mom , such a pain in the ass .

"Yes Mom" My enthusiasm seeping through to show my excitement to taking my little 9 year old sister out Trick or treating , We never get a trick , Does anyone do Tricks these days , There is one person , ME . I never give the greedy kids sweets , I actually do care for there cholesterol and stuff , OK that's a lie , I'm just too tight to give them anything.

"Well hurry up , Shantel is waiting"

"I'm coming" I yell , Still slouched on the couch , I was thinking about moving , that's a start right ?

"Oh come on James" My mom slaps me and may i say quite forcefully around the head .

"Why ?" I scream.

"Move yourself" Is the only answer i get .


I drag myself up Grabbing my jacket in the process, I'm really glad my mom bought me this jacket last winter , The cold almost burned my face off when i walked out side , I never liked the huge Parker coat she bought me, Every time i wore it it felt like a large ball of fluff was suffocating me , I didn't want to die like that ok , Imagine the headlines : Boy 16 Found dead in ugly Parker on Halloween.

I shudder at the thought.

"You know if you have somewhere else to be you can go , I am nine and i don't plan on trick or treating "

"Shantel" I chuckle " Like I'm gonna leave you to go down the park to drink with all the other Asbos , DO you want mom to kill me ? "

"Oh come on bro" She side swipes my arm " I know you don't want to go either" Puppy dog eyes don't work on this fella.

"And i don't want you to go get pissed either"

"Well then lets go do something , Make fun of Mrs Harris or something. " Are my ears deceiving me ? My Friendly Straight A Student sister wanting to get in to mischief ? Me likely.

"Mrs Harris ? C,Mon , Making fun of her on Halloween is an old wives tale , She doesn't really eat you , Silly."

"I know that " She flicks her hair And pouts her lips " I'm not stupid."

"Could have fooled me"

"harr harr , You know what , If you don't want to do anything then ill do it alone"

"OK OK " She stops ahead of me and turns slowly revealing a grin i have never seen on her face before , It scares the hell out of me.

"Well lets go then"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2011 ⏰

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