Story XIII

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Title: Writing

Day: 13

Date: April 29, 2016

By: Princess _Moon_Angel

Frustration took over my mind as I stared at the blank page that had been mocking me for the past week. It's been a while since I posted a new chapter for a story, but I couldn't bring any inspiration to mind to give what few readers I had what they desperately wanted: an update.

Pulling at my hair, I willed any sort of idea to come, but to no avail. There just wasn't anything for me to write about. I already had the plot line planned out, but to actually put it to words worthy of forgiveness from my long neglected readers was difficult.

Lowly growling in the back of my throat, I picked up a bookmarked book near my desk, trying to soothe exhausted nerves and keeping drooping eyes awake. I haven't slept for 3 days, attempting to write something.

With few ideas and a pounding headache, I focused on the printed text in front of tired eyes. As I read on, the words began to swirl around in my head, adding and editing, finding good quotes to use, and suddenly, a burst of inspiration flowed.

Yes! Yes, I knew how I would continue this! For the first time in a month, I finally had something to use, something to fuel me to write!

I was absorbed in the words pouring from my mind to the pencil and finally onto paper. I wrote and wrote and wrote until 3 pages of college-ruled paper were filled front and back. Then, and only then did I stop with a dramatic cliffhanger and immense apology for my uncalled absence.

Smiling so wide, I began to read over what I had written, going over with a red pen to edit and alter my piece of writing. When it was done, I contemplated posting it right now, but decided until after I got at least one night's full sleep. A writer has to be awake, after all.

But when I think about it, I guess inspiration comes from many sources. You can't just force yourself to wirte, because then the readers feel the insincere emotions through your work. I'm not just a writer; I'm also a storyteller. And a story has to be genuine or else no one will want to read a book full of lies and false words.

Writing is my passion. An escape from reality.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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