Story IV

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Title: Friendship

Day: 4

Date: April 20, 2016

By: Princess_Moon_Angel

I looked around, hoping my face was emotionless. The room I was in was cozy, sure, but it was whose room it was that made me nervous. The principal's office. That's right. Me, Georgia West, goody-two-shoes of J.K. High, in the principal's office.

Well, I guess that isn't totally true. It isn't my fault that I ended up here. I just happened to be an unfortunate witness of the "assault" between Daisy Vasquez and Riley Green. Both of which I had the misfortune of knowing at some point.

Let's introduce Daisy Vasquez first. I have known this girl for freaking ever. From Pre Kinder all the way to now, 10th grade in high school. Well, we were only friends until middle school, where she found better and more popular (cough, rich, cough) friends, and thoroughly dumped my friendship.

Riley Green is another case. Two loners in 5th grade year, we bonded over unrequited crushes and similar interests. Through thick and thin, we were there for each other. Well, at least that's what I thought. It all changed after middle school, (funny, huh?) when she found a (look at that) new, popular friend and I was left on my own once again.

But you know what? I'm okay now, with that fact. I've found better, even more awesome friends who I know won't desert me. Anyways, back to the two girls glaring at each other while Ms. Simmons, our principal, waited for my account on the "fight".

Clearing my throat, I said, "Well, Ms. Simmons, I was just an ordinary student, walking the halls toward my class, and I'm sorry to say that I was late. Anyhow, as I walked the silent halls, I heard these two," I pointed at Daisy and Riley, "almost shouting at each other. Naturally being a curious person, I saw just in time for Daisy to shove Riley, thus she was the one who started the fight that is now spreading rumors across this campus. Like always," I added that last part under my breath.

The principal seemed to accept my answer and began to open her mouth as I squirmed around nervously in the plush chair. Right as Ms. Simmons was about to giver her verdict, Daisy objected, "Wait, Ms. Simmons! How can you trust the word of this girl?" That made me wince. Did she not even remember my name? "She's obviously taking Riley's side because Georgia's biased. If it were me, as a perfect friend-"

Daisy's statement was cut off by the screech of my chair as I pushed it back, standing up. My head was hung low, black hair obscuring my face. With an emotionless tone, I faced her with cold eyes, saying, "How dare you talk like you know what friendship is. How dare you talk like I'm the guilty party here for saying I took a friend's side. For your information, Nikki," I used the old nickname she once was called by, "you both are not my friends. Merely strangers I once knew. Don't you dare say that I am biased toward Riley. Like you, who chose someone over me. What do you call that, you hypocrite? I know what true friendship is because I have it. So don't you ever, ever, talk like you know what it is. I'm leaving."

With that, I left an open-mouthed Daisy, shocked Riley, and a confused principal.

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