Story VII

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Title: A Crush

Day: 7

Date: April 23, 2016

By: Princess_Moon_Angel

I kept my bespectacled eyes downcast as I read my book, peeking up only for brief glimpses of him.

Once again, I was hit with that same sense of painful attraction that came whenever I saw him. Why me? Why him? Memories flashed behind my eyes, when we actually talked.

Oh, did I mention we were best friends?

Yeah, so... I guess that just makes it that more difficult to get over that crush. What with all the things we did, memories we shared.. yup, difficult as a pickle all right.

My eyes flashed back down towards the text I was only half-reading. "That was close; he almost caught me that time," I thought, forcing myself to focus on the words on the page.

Lisanna was drawn in. Drawn into the way his eyes brightened when he smiled, the way his laugh lit up any room he was in. It was like a drug rush, leaving you feeling hazy and warm, with almost no memory of what it did. Was that what love felt like?

I was lost in the words of the book, a mystery romance. Not usually my style, but the summary intrigued me, so I bought it. A loud shout interrupted my imagining of what Lisanna just asked.

"CHER!" was all I heard before I was tackled from my comfortable position on the floor onto a not so comfortable position.

My eyes snapped over to see if he had seen the embarrassing situation, and to my relief and strange disappointment, he didn't bat an eye at the loud commotion. Did he not even know I was here?

Shifting my focus back to the smiling redhead on top of me, I shoved her off and greeted her with a small smile of my own. "Hey Rosie. What's up?" Aforementioned girl grinned even wider and motioned not-so-subtly to my crush still standing easily, laughing with his friend, oblivious to my gaze.

Quickly, I shoved her waving arms down, hissing, "Shh! Do you want the whole school to know? Besides..." my heart pounded painfully as I looked at him.

"It's just a stupid crush."

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