Story VIII

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Title: Musical Competition

Day: 8

Date: April 24, 2016

By: Princess_Moon_Angel

I hold the flute to my lips, blowing air and playing the notes on my sheet music. "Gotta win, gotta win, gotta win!" I repeated the mantra in my head, lifting my eyes to find the tempo of my band director.

The blending melodies, counter melodies, background, and complimentary notes created the atmosphere of a roaring fire, as the band played out. The percussion's drum beat pounded as loud as my heart.

Gotta win. Gotta win.

My stomach flipped in somersaults as we drew closer and closer to my solo. The main core of this piece. A closing of music. Almost there, almost there. F, A, B, G#, Eb, F, Fb--

Now! Gotta win!

Quickly, I stood from my seat, the simple black uniform dress falling around my ankles. I pushed the music stand in front of me, as I put my flute down and counted the measures of rest.











My instrument of 5 years was raised once again, in a heart thumping finale. Blowing and articulating the notes as the tempo grew faster and faster and the notes grew louder and higher.

Moving my body with the beat, my eyes flew over the page, and my mind only half aware of how the rest of the band had dulled into a background level, my solo the centerpiece.

Gotta win! Gotta win!

Sixteenth notes, triplets, eighth notes, quarter notes, the beat slowed down, down, down, down, until the final moments. It sped up once again, and slowed, sped up, and...

The final note!

All at once, the hall was silent. My eyes were closed, having memorized the solo by heart, and only opened them once again when I heard the deafening clapping of the audience. My heart still pounded with the force of the percussion's timpani, but a smile graced my face as I lowered my flute and sore arms.

I had done it. I had played my part. And now, all I have to do is...

Gotta win!

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