Six: Let's play truth or dare!

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When Red was done talking to people, she took a seat right next to Jonathon and grinned at him. Everyone was here, even Luke bothered to show up. It was probably for Holly but Red didn't mind as long as everyone was happy and having fun.

"Alright, since we're all here... let's play truth or dare!" Gina announced and they all let out a collective groan "Come on!" She whined. After bickering around about who's going to play the game, they finally agreed to play it but with certain conditions.

"So, no kissing and no taking off clothes, that's it?" Gina raised her eyebrows waiting for them to answer and they all mumbled a yes. She clapped her hands excitedly and placed the bottle on the table "Here we go!" She squealed and spun the bottle. It stopped in front of Luke. He groaned loudly and everyone started laughing at his misery. They all knew Gina's truth question and dares. This one time she got him in trouble with Holly and they stopped talking for 3 days.

"Truth or dare, Lukey lue" Gina laughed at the nickname. He sighed and mumbled something that no one got.

"What?" Gina asked him and he sighed again, louder "Dare"

Gina smirked menacingly "Okay, I'm going to be easy on you. I dare you to moonwalk from here to the entrance and back with a bored expression"

"But I can't even moonwalk!" Luke protested but Gina laughed "I don't care, figure it out"

Luke stared at his girlfriend "Your friends suck"

Holly started laughing "Oh come on, you've been through worse"

He huffed and stood next to the table "I hope I don't regret this" He started to "moonwalk" it was more like just walking backwards.

"Luke wat-" They all were about to warn him when he bumped into a waiter making them both fall down, the food that was on the tray covering both of them.

They all burst out laughing "OH MY GOD!" Luke yelled and got up brushing the food off of him. He turned to the waiter who was also up on his feet looking at Luke with an angry glare.

"Sorry" Luke apologized, smiling sheepishly at him then turned around and glared at his friends and walked back to them apologizing to him again.

His friends were still laughing at him as he took a seat next to Holly. She grinned at him and kissed his cheek lightly "Sorry boo"

He rolled his eyes at her "Give me the bottle" He took hold of it and spun it strongly which took the bottle a while to stop at a certain person when it stopped at Jonathon.

"oohhh, you're going to get the wrath of the Luke!" Gina whispered quietly in Jonathons ear and he winced staring at Luke who had an even scarier smirk than Gina's. "Truth" Luke folded his arms across his chest staring menacingly at him "Or dare"

"Truth" Jonathon replied without hesitation and they all 'ooed'.

Luke smiled "Among our small little group of friends, which girl would you like to date, my girlfriend included"

Jonathon turned his face to the left where Gina was sitting at the head of the table, then to the right where Red was sitting next to the window and to the front to where Holly was sitting across Red, beside Holly was Luke and Norman who were staring curiously at Jonathon.

Gina coughed, rather loudly trying not to laugh "I think we all know the answer to this one" Jonathon gritted his teeth and lightly kicked Gina under the table making her start laughing.

"Red" Jonathon said loudly looking over at the girl who was now grinning like an idiot "I'd go for Red. At least she's not stupid like you" He spat at Gina who continued laughing "and doesn't have a boyfriend like Holly"

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