The Miraculous Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

Adrien chuckled at the bluenette. "Nino and I were just wondering if we could have lunch with you guys." Before Marinette was about to say something an ear piercing shriek filled the air.

"ADRIKINS!" A blonde headed female was walking towards them. The four stiffened. Seeing Chloe Bourgeois isn't the prettiest sight you'll see here in France. (AN:TBH i really like Chloe's character tho) Chloe threw her arms around Adrien trying to get his attention. "Adrikins, why don't you come with me to daddy's hotel, and have lunch there." Nino cleared his throat, "Chloe, my dude Adrien here is having lunch with us." Chloe scoffed at Nino clearly offended that he was breaking the moment between her and Adrien (AN: If there even was a moment lol). "Uh Chlo, i already promised to eat lunch with them."
Chloe released Adrien, "Fine, but you don't know what you're missing out." We all just stared at her while she went out of the school to eat in her daddy's "exclusive" hotel.

"Sorry about that guys. Why don't we just forget about this and eat lunch." They all agreed and went to the Dupain-Cheng bakery.

xXAt the BakeryXx

"Marinette, you're home early," Marinette's mom, Sabine said. "We're just gonna have lunch here mom."
"Oh, alright let me get you guys something to eat."
"Thank you Mrs. Dupain-Cheng," Alya said while grabbing a seat on a near by table.

While waiting for their food Nino started speaking up. "So we're actually going to China. Say... Marinette didn't you used to live there?" Adrien looked at Marinette interested in her answer. Marinette nodded, "I did use to live there." They all just stared at her waiting for her to tell more. "What?"

Alya stared at her as if she came from the underworld. "What? What do you mean what?! Tell us more girl. We need info!"

"Yeah, like do you know how to speak Chinese?" Nino asked excitedly. "Yes I do know how to speak Chinese."

Adrien started speaking up, "I didn't know you speak Chinese."

"Well, now you do."

"It's a good thing too. I need a little help with practicing my Chinese, so maybe you could help me."

Marinette blushed. Adrien. 'The ADRIEN AGRESTE' wanted her help.
She was screaming internally.

"U-uh, ugh I mean. Agh uh."

Alya interrupted her,"She means she'll do it."

"Great we could start now."



They both started speaking in Chinese while Nino and Alya just stared at them. Not understanding a single word they're saying.

"Okay, okay how 'bout i say something in Chinese then you translate it for our friends here."


Adrien said something in Chinese that once again Alya and Nino did not understand. But, it made Marinette blush madly.

"Girl, what did he say?" Alya asked seeing the blush creep up her bestfriend's cheeks.

Adrien nodded. Signaling her to tell them what he just said.

"He said, That marineibeauful..."

"Girl, I can't hear you. What did he say?"


Nino started to team up with Alya trying to get the translation of what Adrien said,"Mari you have to say that a bit louder."

"He said, Marinette is beautiful.." Alya and Nino were looked at each other wide-eyed.

"It's true, you are beautiful Marinette." The three looked at Adrien. Marinette looked into Adrien's beautiful green orbs while he looked at hers. Alya and Nino were shell shocked.

"Here's the food kids!" Sabine entered with their food. And with that Adrien and Marinette's trance was broken.

Okay that's a wrap people. That's all for today. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Thank you.


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