12. Polaroids and Pranks

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"Princess" Will called from the living room. I walked in curious to what he called me for. He wrapped his arms around my waist when he saw me and planted a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Princess I need to go home today. I've ran out of clothes and as much as I like being your sleeping buddy, I'd prefer to be hygienic when I'm with you" he rambled on.

"That's fine, we could use a night apart. It's probably not good to get dependent on each other early on in the relationship" I said to him even though I didn't believe a word of it. I have become dependent on Will. When he sleeps in my bed I feel comforted and safe.

He kissed me again before we said our goodbyes. It feels weird not having him around me. Too weird.

I tried to occupy my thoughts by reading a book. It didn't work. I decided to head over to Joe and Caspar to catch up with them. It was a sunny day so I decided to walk, it's only 10 minutes away.

When I reached the familiar door I knocked on it. I waited a while but no one was answering. As I was about to go I heard movements behind the door. I knocked again until someone eventually decided to open it. They gripped my arm and yanked me inside.

"Are you purposely trying to ruin my prank?" Joe questioned as he pushed me onto the couch. It was then that I took note of all the camera equipment around the place.

"Sorry I didn't notice. What mastermind prank did you come up with for Caspar today?" I asked genuinely wanting to know the answer.

"It's for Oli. I'm doing the old bucket of water on the door prank. I want to make a video showing that although the new pranks are hilarious sometimes we need to go back to the old classics" he explained to me.

After his explanation we heard a knock on the door signalling Oli's arrival. Joe shouted that the door was unlocked and he started to enter. The bucket fell off the door and onto his head soaking him in the process. He lifted the bucket off of his head to reveal a very mad Will Darbyshire.

I hopped off the couch and ran over to him a shocked expression taking over my face. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around him.

"Are you alright Will? That prank wasn't meant for you it was meant for Oli" Joe managed to say through his laughs as I rubbed the towel up along Will's back.

"What was meant for me" I hear behind me before Oli broke into a fit of laughter. I was still aiding Will when the two boys noticed our closeness. I was rubbing with the towel while he wrapped his arm around me protectively keeping me to his side.

The boys were about to ask what was going on when Will took my hand in his and walked us down the stairs into Joe's room.

I walked into the bathroom to turn on the shower. I took Will's shirt off of him to reveal his chest. He noticed my stares and leaned in to kiss me. Our lips connected and things started to get heated. He planted kisses into my neck. When he reached my ear he whispered into me. "You should join me in the shower princess."

My body tingle with delight. He locked Joe's door and we went into the ensuite bathroom. He kissed me again lifting my shirt in the process. He unbuttoned his pants and slipped it off him later doing the same with mine. We were in our underwear, the steam from the hot shower heating the mood even more.

I connected my lips with his again. He unclasped my bra making me moan. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth deepening the kiss. He lifted me by my waist and put me on the counter slipping off my panties. I responded by guiding his boxers down him.

He lifted me again and we entered the shower, out lips never separating. We made out a lot before proceeding to wash ourselves. We didn't go further than that because I wanted to wait for a better moment.

When we were finished I wrapped a towel around me as Will did the same. We entered Joe's room and Will went to raid Joe's closet. He handed me a grey tracksuit pants and a red hoodie before he went to Caspar's room to get something for himself to wear.

We put our own clothes into a bag before walking upstairs hand in hand. Caspar was home now and the three of them were playing FIFA on the play station. When the heard our footsteps they looked back at us. Their jaws dropped as we giggled.

"Please tell me you both showered separately" Joe pleaded with us. I blushed while Will laughed and wrapped his arm around me claiming me as his.

"Please tell me you two are finally together and this isn't a trick" Oli stated as the three of them took it in.

Will winked at them and planted his lips on mine. The kiss was short, sweet and tender but it was enough to get my heart racing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2016 ⏰

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