3. Polaroids and Arrival

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Once the plane landed the two of us went our separate ways. I went to the baggage claim and he went off as he didn't need to collect any bags. We didn't know if we would ever see each other again, all that we knew was that we enjoyed each other's company.

Once I picked up my bag I exited the baggage claim and looked for Zoe and Joe. At first they were no where to be seen but before I knew it I felt a hand on my shoulder causing me to jump.

I turned around and there she was. Her short brown hair with blonde at the end. She was wearing black jeans and an oversized jumper.

"Caoimhe, it's so good to see you" she squealed as the wrapped her hands around me.

"I know! You're less pixilated in real life then on Skype" I joked with her.

She laughed and grabbed the bigger of my two suitcases. I tried to grab it back off her but she insisted on taking it.

We walked out to her car and it was only when she was about to drive off that I wondered where Joe was.

"Wait where's Joe?" I asked noticing his absence.

"He went out last night and is suffering from a terrible hangover. Personally I think he was just to lazy to get up and he's just making excuses" she chuckled as she continued driving.

Once we arrived at Joe's apartment there was no sign of life whatsoever. I mean I have had a fair few terrible hangovers, keeping up the Irish stereotype, but I was a little annoyed that he wasn't awake to greet me. He's one of my best friends.

While Zoe sat on the sofa searching through her phone, I decided to investigate. I found myself walking downstairs in the apartment I know too well from watching vlogs.

I pushed one of the doors open and I was faced with a right sight let me tell you.

The room was a mess. There was clothes all over the floor, the desk was covered in papers, the room stunk of alcohol and his body looked like he was made from stone the way he was lying in his bed.

I walked over to the windows to open the curtains. Nothing.

I picked up a pair of socks and threw them at him. Nothing.

I jumped on the bed. Nothing.

It was like he was dead to the world. If this was an ordinary person they would give up, but I'm not ordinary.

I walked into the bathroom and spotted a metal bin. I picked it up, along with a hair brush and walked back into the room. I bashed the brush off the bin repeatedly yelling for him to wake up.

"Zoe stop I texted you to tell you I'm not going to the airport" he groaned while he buried himself further in his blanket.

"Joseph Sugg you are going to suffocate if you burry yourself further into your blanket. Also it's very rude to not be awake when guests arrive" I boasted.

With that he quickly raised his head and jumped out of his bed.

"Caoimhe you're finally here" he exclaimed as he ran over to me and trapped me in a hug.

"Yes and you're only wearing boxers" I laughed.

He blushed as a chuckle escaped his lips. I grabbed a tracksuit pants from the floor and threw them at him.

"Here put these on" I ordered and he did so. He walked back over to me and gave me another welcome hug. I must admit, it's so nice to actually be able to hug these people in real life than to hug their face on my computer screen.

"Woah how drunk did you get last night" I heard a males voice from behind, "you brought home a girl and everything" he continued.

Myself and Joe separated to reveal my identity to him.

"Shit that's Caoimhe" he gasped apologising for his previous outburst.

"Yes it is Caspar, yes it is! It's wonderful to meet you in person" I exclaimed as I walked towards him. I held my hand out expecting him to shake it. He started laughing gently, grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug.

"Us YouTubers are huggers" he chirped when I wrapped my arms around him reacting to his actions. "By the way Joe I forgot to tell you that Oli, Marcus, Jim and Will are coming around, also Zoe said that Alfie will be around later as well" Caspar said.

"Yes they'll all be able to meet Caoimhe" Joe declared.

On the outside I smiled but on the inside I was screaming with nerves.

You see I'm not good around new people. I get very nervous and end up blurting out things I would never say on a normal day. I know it didn't seem like that with Plane Boy, I'm a little surprised I was able to talk to him so easily.

But unfortunately, that's not the case with all strangers.

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