7. Polaroids and Play Fights

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We finished unboxing in the kitchen, living room and my room. I'm yet to tackle the bathroom and the spare room but they can wait for another day. Or so I thought.

I was about to sit down on the couch and tackle into my bowl of popcorn when someone lifted me up and threw me over their shoulder.

"Caspar Lee you better put me down right now!" I yelled in anger.

He laughed and ran through to the spare room. When he placed me down I noticed cans of paint on the floor.

"Will mentioned you wanted to paint this room so we went out and bought the paint for you, might as well get it done today because Caspar and I have meetings tomorrow" Joe explained.

I looked up at Will who was now blushing awkwardly. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"I've never had someone buy paint for me before! How romantic is that?!" I joked making the three of them laugh.

The four of us continued painting until the room was covered in a light grey colour with a blue tinge to it. This was the colour scheme for the room if you haven't already guessed.

"Finally we're finished" Will yawned while stretching his arm out.

"Oh wait we missed a spot" I gasped.

"Where?" The three of them asked while gawking around the room.

I dipped the paint brush in the paint and sneakily made my way over to him. Before he realised what was happening in brought the brush up to his face and flicked paint on his nose.

Joe and Caspar were in knots laughing as I ran over beside them. I almost reached them when an arm wrapped itself around my waist. I was picked up and eventually my face was wet from paint.

"Darbyshire I'm going to kill you" I cried as we continued hitting each other with paint like two children.

In the end we both broke down with laughter holding our sides as we couldn't stand up straight. We were both doing that ugly laugh where no noise comes out but you end up bopping your head up and down like a headless chicken. Attractive some might say.

The both of us washed our faces before going for showers.  I went for a shower first leaving Will to chat with the boys for a bit.

It was while Will was in the shower things started to get awkward.

"So what's going on with you and Will?" Joe question listening intently for my answer.

"What do you mean?" I asked cluelessly.

"Oh come on we all see the chemistry you both have, for two socially awkward people you are both extremely comfortable around each other" Caspar added to the conversation.

"Well I guess I like him, it's just that I don't know how to tell him" I confessed.

"Say no more" Caspar said as he grabbed Joe's arm and left my apartment.

Will came out just as the door shut. I turned to him and smiled making the confused look on his face disappear.

"I guess I'm going to have to stay here tonight" he ushered.

Later that night the two of us went into my bed and watched a movie together. Will had one arm around my shoulder and the other around my waist while I was snuggled into his chest.

I was rubbing my hand along his upper leg when I felt him tense. Only then did I realise my hand was after wandering to a different area.

I felt like having some fun so I kept my hand there rubbing every now and then. I leant up to him and placed my mouth near his ear.

"Why so tense?" I whispered as I started nibbling and kissing his ear.

His breath started to get heavier as I travelled the kisses down to his neck sucking and nibbling ensuring that I'd leave some marks. As I kissed along his jaw he moaned letting me know I found a week spot.

I still had my hand placed near his sensitive area rubbing it along his inner thigh.

I was about to pull my lips away when he turned so I was on top of him. He brought his hand up to my head and gently pushed my head into his. His lips crashed against mine and I couldn't help but respond to the burning passion in the kiss.

He bit my lower lip, licking it asking for entrance and I couldn't help but grant it. Our tongues were dancing in each other's mouths, our lips in sync.

I started grinding against him in the heat of the moment as he separated his lips from mine to travel kisses down my neck, making sure to leave a few love marks.

I lifted his top over him to reveal his abs. Our lips reunited with each other as we settled down before it got out of hand and went any further.

We separated for air and I went back to my side of the bed.

"Woah" I heard Will murmur as I snuggled into him.

He turned to face me and pulled me into his chest. We gazed into each other's eyes capturing the moment we just shared. He leant down and planted a gentle kiss on my now swollen lips.

"I'm taking you on a date tomorrow, whether you like it or not" he rasped with a heavy breath.

I giggled in excitement. He started to get up to grab his t-shirt from the ground trying to put it back on.

I snatched it out of his hand and threw it down by my side.

"Leave it off" I whispered in the quite room.

"That's good I usually sleep with it off anyway when I'm at home" he chuckled.

"Well I want you to be at home here too" I said to him, blushing at the perfect man in front of me.

After I said that he ripped his pants off so he was only in his boxers. He climbed back into bed wrapping his arm around me and brought me into a spooning position.

"You sure" he whispered into my ear.


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