Chapt. 1

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"Josie, get your butt up, now!" Mum shouts from downstairs. Ahh fuck. Why do we have school? I can read. I know enough math. We don't need history, they're dead the teachers should get over it...

I groggily get my butt up and go to the restroom. I shower and brush my teeth. I put on my undergarments on as well as my camouflage shorts and white camisole, I go to my closet and add my black, leather jacket. I slip on my black studded combat boots. I put on mascara and a bit of natural mineral powder. I add a bit of light pink lip balm. I bent my head down and shook my hair all over the place to mess it up. I lift up to see my reflection, I smile pleased. I grab my phone and walked downstairs

"I'm driving us to school." My one year older brother, Justin smirks. I don't know why but I smirk as well.

I guess I didn't really tell you anything about myself. Well, I have brown hair and icy blue eyes. I like fairy cakes, I'm sarcastic and sorta of a bad ass. I have a brother, Justin. He has brown hair like mine and hazel colored eyes. My Mum is strict when she's mad but fun all the time, my Dad is a fun Dad. Mum is a brunette with natural golden highlights and green, icy blue eyes. Dad has brown hair that now has a couple of hairs that turned gray even though he profusely goes to the salon to dye it each month. He has grayish hazel eyes.

"Lets go." Justin says. I grab my back pack and walk out of the house yelling, "bye Mum and Dad."

Justin jumps into the drivers seat and I jump into the passengers seat. Justin and I have a great brother and sister relationship and we always get along and never hide anything from each other.

"Another day at school! Gonna have fun kiddo!" Justin shouts. I laugh at him. We got to school. I groan out loud before going in, Justin went his way over to his mates while I made my way to mine.

"Maiken! Daisy! Lizzy!" I shout hugging each one of them.

"Hey banana!" Maiken laughs. Maiken is from Norway but she moved to London when she was 10. She has dirty blonde hair and blue green eyes.

"Hey babe." Daisy smiles. Daisy has maroon almost reddish hair with brown eyes. She's from America but moved here to London when her dad's job got transferred here.

"I missed you hons." Lizzy giggles. Lizzy has bleached blonde hair and bright blue eyes that are so pretty. She's from London like me so thats nice to have a friend who's British. I envy my friends beauty- not in a bad way.

"Oi! I heard we have a new teacher this year!" Lizzy speaks up. Probably a old hag. I ignore their talk. The girls went their separate ways to their classes. I have Theater with Maiken. We walk to our class. Principal is here. Hope I haven't gotten in trouble early this year.

"Everyone, silence." Mr. Kaneswaran orders. The whole class quieted down. But me being me had to say something completely inappropriate.

"Sex." I say loudly. Everyone turns to me and laughs. What I said wasn't even funny. God, I hate these people, they laugh for everything.

"Ah, Ms. Kingsley. Nice seeing you back." Mr. Kaneswaran smiles. I smile back and wave for him to continue.

"Ok. Well, as you all know. Mrs. Gringer retired so we have a new drama teacher" I hate Mrs. Gringer. Good, I'm glad she's gone.

"So lets give a warm welcome to, Mr. Sykes, your new drama teacher, everybody" Mr. Kaneswaran announces happily. I don't look up because either way; I'm still going to ruin his days in this school.

"Any questions Mr. Sykes? I hope this class is how you expect it to be and if they don't show respect then do not hesitate to let me know." Mr. Kaneswaran says to Mr. Sykes. I heard a mumble coming from him. Whatever. Screw that. I pulled out my phone from my pocket.

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