Call me Deta

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(I thought this song would go nicely with this chapter so)

Delilah's POV

"Stupid human."

kick. "get up, why aren't you talking."

another one.

I shook quietly in the corner of a cell room. "Humans are pitiful." he paced the room, "Get the Hell up!" I stood up quietly only to me smashed against the wall. "you are obedient~" I looked away. He growled, pushing me down again. Gas was so different; This isn't Gas. It couldn't be him. 'Gas' Growled before walking out of the room. "Hey..." I jerked up, scooting away from the voice. "Hey, i'm sorry..." I looked away. "I'm apologizing! look at me!" he yelled before sitting in front of me. something was different. "it's okay.." I muttered. he slapped me. "better be okay." he walked away.

why does he say he's sorry one minute but then does it again two minutes later..

I touched my cheek trying to heal it.


I tried to float,


I looked out the celled window, watching snow fall silently. I rested my head on my arms. If Sans cares, he'll find me, i know he will. Gas opened the door, dropping a plate of cold fries on my desk before leaving quickly. I sighed down at the fries, eating them but not liking them at all.

I guess that's just how it is now.

I tried my powers again,


I reached for any Determination i could possibly have left.


Sans POV~

I lost her again. I went to every house, every path, every nook of the underground. She was nowhere. I walked through the path of echo flowers. for some reason, if you go back far enough, the echo flowers will have the voices of the previous reset. I walked back, walking through them.

"Mom look! a human!"

"Yes, that is a human." I heard quiet giggles.

"Hey!" I knew that voice.

"Is she a cat??" the girl giggled again. "nah, I just have Cat ears and senses." is that..?

"what's your name?"

"I uh- gotta go."

"cat lady! wait!"

"w-why are your eyes purple?" I took a step back, tripping over a rock on the ground. I kept walking. "B-But Undyne..." "Papyrus no! you must capture the human!" a distant cough echoed in the flowers. "And why do you gotta do that?" "D-Deta.." "I asked you a question." "She's a Human!" Delilah laughed. "okay, and?" Undyne growled. "you've lived here forever! a human killed your parents!" silence.

"I'm sorry deta i-" laughter. "reset reset reset~" she sang. the echo flowers all began to echo it. "I'll merge with the human so you can't hurt her!" "Don't you dare!" Undyne yelled. "Watch me!" and I heard a snap of a finger. "Deta?? no! you can't become a human- Dammit!" the distant sound of things being thrown around could be heard. How did I never know she existed? I mean I remember seeing a girl with cat ears following me sometimes but i never saw her face.

could that have really been her? and if so, did she give up her Monster self to protect the Human? I kept walking. "It's beautiful, huh?" wait, that's me! "It sure is, Sansy" Chuckle. "Since when have you called me that?" giggle. "since d- never mind"

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