Watch it : part 1

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Maya's pov

"Hey watch it lady" I yelled at a brunette as she ran through the crowd knocking me over.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry" the brunette says to me offering me a hand to get up which I take.

"It's fine" I say distracted by her beautiful brown eyes.

"Are you sure" she asked with a sweet find in her voice not fully convinced that I was okay.

"Yes I'm sure" I say trying convince her but really my ass was hurting like a bitch.

"Please let me make it up to you" she pleaded with a puppy dog face that I couldn't resist.

"Fine you me date Friday" I say.

"Okay" she simply stated with a smile showing her dimples.

"Really" I asked surprised she said yes.

"Yeah and it Riley by the way" she says extending her arm to she my hand.

"Maya" I say shaking her hand.

"Oh here's my number by the way" she says grab me a sharpie out of her purse and writing it down on my arm.

"Okay I'll call you" I say kissing her cheek and walking away from her leaving her confused.


Yeah yeah I know it's shitty I'll make the part 2 next week bye


Rilaya OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now