"You have me." I pause to try and gather my thoughts. "I know I just met you the other day but no one should go through this alone. I won't let you." I tell her honestly while continuing to rub patterns over her hand.

Camila smiles in return and bites back a smile. "Why do you care so much Lauren?"

I'm a little thrown off by her question and I, all of a sudden, don't feel as confident as I have been the whole time I've been here.

"I just uh I don't think you should go through this alone." I lie. When really, I have these feelings somewhat growing already after a day of knowing her and I don't know how to act on them besides subtly flirting with the girl.

"Whatever you say Lauren." Camila smugly smiles at me.


After a while of talking and getting to know each other better, I am so glad I met this girl. She's obviously beautiful but there is so much more to her that I can't wait to unravel. I could talk to her about absolutely anything and never get tired of hearing her speak.

"Are you hungry? I could order us a pizza." Camila says as she sits across from me on the couch now.

"It's ok I can order it. Pepperoni?" I stand up and begin to look for the nearest pizza place on my phone. Camila nods in agreement and I call the number I find.

"20 minutes and it'll be here." I sit back down on the couch and turn to face Camila again.

"Thank you Lauren."

"Oh it's no big deal, you don't have to thank me."

"Not for that. I mean yes thank you for the pizza too but what I meant was thank you for not judging me." Camila looks down to her hands for a second before meeting my eyes again. "When you met me you had no idea that I was in a wheelchair. And after you found out, you didn't treat me any differently and you don't understand how much that means to me." Her eyes never leave mine and I can tell how sincere she is being.

"Camila, you don't have to thank me. I would never judge you for anything, I would accept you any shape or form. Besides, you aren't exactly hard to get along with. I really enjoy being around you." I tell her in all honestly while giving her a small smile. She blushes lightly and my smile only grows.

"You aren't so bad yourself Jauregui." I smile at her use of my last name.

"Alright enough of this serious talk. Can we watch a movie or something?" I ask her in all seriousness. Camila laughs at my question as she shakes her head and uses her arm muscles to lift herself into her chair. She does it with absolute perfection and makes me wonder when I'm going to see a flaw in this girl. She turns around to set up Netflix and comes back to the couch to hand me the remote.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Camila asks me as I begin scrolling through the movies.

"Yeah could I have a water please?" I ask politely. She nods her head and makes her way to the kitchen.

Moments later she returns with two waters and I've already chosen the movie.

"Really, The Conjuring? Do you want me to cry Lauren?" I laugh at her distressed face.

"Oh it's not that bad." I tell her back with a smug smile as I hear the doorbell ring. "Saved by the bell." I say as I stand up giving her a wink and quickly going to retrieve the pizza.

When I return to the living room Camila is back on the couch waiting for me.

"Where are your plates at? I'll grab some while I'm up." I place the pizza on the living room table and look to her for an answer.

"Well since I just moved in here, I don't exactly have, well any dishes or silverware yet." Camila tells me bluntly.

"Ok no problem." I plop down next to her on the couch. "Do you want to go shopping for some this week?" I offer her hopeful. Any chance I can get to see this girl I am going to take.

"Even if I say no, I have a feeling you won't take that answer so sure we can." Camila smiles to me as her eyes are locked with mine. I smile as I'm satisfied with her answer and press play to begin the movie as we finish our food.

Ten minutes later and Camila is a wreck. I didn't realize how bad scary movies got to her. She is currently still on the other side of the couch holding her blanket up to her face covering half of it. I turn her way and smile at how adorable she looks but at the same time I feel bad because I wanted to watch this movie.

"Camila are you going to be ok?" I try to hold back my smile.

She turns her head to me and has a look of pure terror on her face.

"Well besides the fact that I'm going to have the worst nightmares ever tonight. Yep I'm ok." I have to bite my smile back at this point.

"Come here." I can't resist my urge to be closer to her. I'm just hoping it isn't to much all at once. I see her gulp and her face looks somewhat thrown off but I give her an encouraging smile trying my best to assure her that it's ok.

Camila hesitantly uses both arms to scoot herself closer to me as I rest my back against the armrest. I lift my arm closest to the back of the couch and she wedges herself between my body and the couch on her side. She rests her head on my chest and her arm over my stomach. I rest my arm on her back so my hand is gripping her waist. I feel her head turn up to meet my eyes.

"Is this ok?" Camila asks softly and sweetly as I give her a comforting nod. She turns to face the tv again and I gently draw patterns on her waist while my heart is beating a mile a minute.

A few moments go by and I have questions flooding through my mind. I don't want to be so straight forward and offend her in anyway though.


"Hm?" She meets my eyes.

"Do you have any feeling at all in your legs?" I bite my lip back awaiting an answer.

"Only from about here-" She gestures to the top of her thigh. "-up." I nod my head in understanding as I stare down her entire body then back up to her face. Camila looks to me with a small smirk as I raise my eyebrow in question.

"You know you can ask me any questions that you're thinking Lauren." Camila says nonchalantly.

"I know I can. Thank you for being so open with me." I say honestly.

"Thank you for being so easy to open up to." Camila winks then rests her head back on my chest.

Once the movie comes to an end Camila moves off of me so we aren't cuddling anymore and I can't help but feel disappointed. This night with her has been great and I'm not ready to leave her yet even though I have to. I just feel bad that she has to be alone. 

"I guess I should get going now." I look to Camila with sad eyes.

"I guess so." Camila says somewhat awkwardly.

"I'll text you ok?" I assure her as I scoot closer and pull her into a hug. "I had a lot of fun tonight Camila. Thank you for having me over." I say softly before I pull away.

"Thank you for coming over. I'm glad I have you here."

"I'll come over whenever you want me to." I let her know as I stand up and begin to put my shoes on. "Have a good night beautiful."

"Good night Lauren."

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