"It's not like that okay, He was scared, terrified and I can't leave my best friend like that,'' His eyes are growing wider, though his back is still straight. He looks completely confident, each word drawn out perfectly.

"He looks pretty scared in the photo, big smiles aye?," I spit. I'm disgusted. Every single word he has ever spoken to me has been a lie, he never loved me. He probably only felt pity for me, after all these years of trust in him and he never loved me.

"He was scared, Sam. Don't be pathetic," He looks down on me as he speaks, building his confidence up higher with every word.

"Don't you dare call me pathetic Connor, you're the one who cheated,'' I snap, my hands begin to shake. I'm resisting the urge to hit him, to smack that cocky smile off his face. To smash him for not understanding how perfect I was for him, how much he really needed me.

"I did not cheat on you, I comforted a friend for Christ's sake,'' His eyes are focused directly on me, every move I make instantly watched by his beady little eyes. He is so pathetic, in his skin. To betray someone, to harm someone so viciously, so easily.

"You don't see me holding hands with Tyler or making out with him,'' I snarl, my lips curling up.

"I have never made out with Troye, don't accuse me of things Sam!" He glares at me as he speaks, obviously more disgusted in me by the minute.

"Oh sure, like I believe you, you scumbag,'' Every inch of my body is telling me to slap him, the blood is pulsing through my veins quicker, my main trailing to the idea of hitting him, smacking him. Making him feel the pain he makes me feel.


The yelling continues for what feels like hours, my face pressed up close to Connor's roaring abusive words at him. Though I don't feel guilty for he shouts back, more offensive words thrown each time.

"At least my family didn't leave me when I came out, you pathetic dickhead,'' He shouts, his face incredibly close to mine.

That makes me snap. He doesn't understand anything. My family left me for their religion, their tainted son being too homosexual for them to handle. They left me for what they felt was right and every single person that followed them left me as well, no one cared about me and somehow he didn't understand that.

"DON'T EVER TALK ABOUT THAT!" I shout, my arm raising slowly to make him someone, hurt him, to make him feel pain.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on him," A voice comes from the door making me drop my hand instantly.

There he stands, Troye. His white t-shirt glowing from the golden light in the hall. He looks brave, his face glaring into mine, an arm reaching out towards Connor. Of course, Connor treated him life he was his hero, someone who would rescue him from the evil of me.

"And what are you going to do about it Troye?," I giggle, a cocky smile making it's way onto my lips, they really are pathetic.

"I can tell your story to the world, how your parents left you so you took all your pain out on Connor," He smirks as my smile drops to the floor.

"I SAID DON'T TALK ABOUT MY FUCKING PARENTS," I roared as my hand rose into the air.

A loud smack echoed throughout the hotel room as my hand slapped Troye's cheek. A red hand mark was evident on the side of his face. I was in shock. Instantly pulled out of my trance, my face fell. I never meant to hurt anyone, I just didn't want to lose Connor.

"Troye, I'm sorry. I'm so pathetic, I just, I - I'm scared and I'm so stupid. God damn it I am stupid. No wonder everyone leaves and the fucking sting in my hand right now is killing me and my boyfriend or fuck, my ex hates me and I'm an abuser, a disgusting prick and everyone left me. Everyone. I just wanted Connor to be happy. Fuck, I lost him and Mum and Dad,'' I am interrupted by my loud wailing, tears bawling down the side of my face.

Troye just looks at me, disgusted. Connor is standing beside him, small tears trailing down his face as his hands intertwine with Troye's. He is scared, my baby. All scared because of me, what a dick I am. I'm so stupid.

"Connor, baby, I'm sorry, I love you, you know that, I lov- ," I am interrupted by Troye as his glares down.

"Save it you pathetic prick, you don't even get to look at him," He snarls before leaving hand in hand with Connor.

No wonder everyone fucking leaves


so, I wrote this as I was falling asleep so may be bad! Will edit properly in morning, just wanted to put something up for you guys. 

Self-promo: I just made a new Tumblr and I love it. My account name is: @petalboytroye

If you follow me I will dedicate a chapter to you hahah

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