60: History Match

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"Owww" I winced in pain as my back made contact with the barricade "Fucking asshole" I mumbled as Batista went for a pin but I kick out, Roman twisted him around then set themselves up on the table

I grab the remaining parts of the barricade to stand myself up as some fans patted my shoulder, I search for Hunter then I saw him on the other side of the ring, Seth and Dean were already eliminated so it's time for me to lock in the Kimura lock on Hunter

I limped to reach that side as I pass by Melina and Kaitlyn getting it on then grab the chair that was on the steel steps, I hit Hunter on the head then put his arm inside then lock it in. The referee then watched as closely then Hunter taps out "Triple H is now eliminated" Lilian announced as the fans cheered

I let rolled my body over then group myself together, I sat down on the steps as I rest for a while. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Melina do the sunset flip to Stephanie by the ladder. Melina sat down on her stomach then pin her with one of her legs raised "Stephanie is now eliminated" I decided to stand up then went beside Melina as the referee assisted Stephanie out, her arms on top of the referee's shoulder

We stood side by side as she rushed to Kaitlyn then hit her back to the steel post, I went to Batista as Roman focused on Randy

I stood him up then he hit me with a vr, I put my hands on the spot he hit then he slammed my face repeatedly on the table. I put my hands on it to prevent another slamming then turn around to slap him

He stumbled back so I took the chance and kick him to the stomach and did a head scissors takedown that send him through the steel steps. Someone then grab my hair then I saw Kaitlyn, Melina on top of a ladder

I kick her legs then she placed her head under my arm, my arms on her back then my body on air as she lifted me up and run my back to the barricade behind me. I slid down a little when it created impact then kneed her chest

I grab her head then toss her over the barricade, sending her to the audience. I climb on top of it but she did a enziguri that left me hanging. Literally hanging, my body on each side of the barricade

She grab my head then slam it to the barricade, since my face was facing the barricade then pulled me down by the hair. She stomp on my stomach then turn around to the crowd with her arms wide open "I'm back!" she yelled an earn her a boo/cheer reaction

She turn back to me then I did the same thing she did to me earlier then send her to the sound system. I stood up after then lifted her to my shoulders then did an F5

I stood up immediately then pin her but kick out at 2. I felt someone grab me from the back then Batista lifted me to his shoulders then was about to do a 'Batista Bomb' when Melina rushed him then hit him to the back

I jump off him when he stumbled then did a superkick as Melina and Kaitlyn start off,

I Irish whip Batista to the barricade then his body collapsed to it, breaking the barrier at the process. I pulled him inside, where there are not much fans then he caught me off guard then lifted me up to his shoulders again and before he could do something stupid, I grab his neck then put him in a standing Guillotine

"Kaitlyn is now eliminated" just when Lillian announced that, Batista tapped then I jump off him "Batista is now eliminated" Lillian announced once again then Melina went beside me

I put my arm on top of her as we wave goodbye to both Batista and Kaitlyn who was getting escorted out

We look in front of us when we heard a loud noise then saw Randy hit Roman with a vicious RKO, with barbwires underneath them. He pinned Roman which earned him a 3 count "Roman Reigns is now eli-" Lillian didn't get to finish what she was about to say when I snatch the mic from her hands and slam it to Randy's head from behind

I hit him with a spinning back fist then nodded at Melina, meaning to take him over. I did a roundhouse kick to get things good then she did a 'Last Call' and pinned him as I counted along with the referee

"And the winner of this match, the team of The Shield, UFC Woman's Bantamweight Champion and Melina!" the referee raised our hands then put it down gently, I raised Melina's hand with my finger pointing at her

I told her to go in the ring then she nodded with a smile, I open the ropes for her as she enter. Heyman appeared from the timekeeper's area then handed me my title. I went on the middle of the ring, beside Melina then raise her hand and on the other was my title

We went on different parts of the turnbuckle then when we finished roaming around the ring, I sling my title on my shoulder then bowed at the audience. I bowed in front, on each side then on the back, Melina clapping for me who was just beside me

I thank all of them, sending them flying kisses and wave at them. I decided to not continue my contract since I have something up my sleeves. I exit the ring after giving Melina a hug then went to Alpha Male's side and give them a fast hug, I jog to the other side then hug the 4

I skip to the ramp and walk backwards with my title raised up high then waved at them. I reach the end of the ramp and gave them one last wave


Are you guys getting bored with the story? Because I'm getting dry notifications lately with only 1-3 comments. I'm just getting really worried that you guys might be bored :'(

Anyways, I tried my best to do this chapter and pull put everything I could do to make it readable

5 chapters left and then part 2 would be up! Up! Up!

Send in some questions about me or the story or whatever you want to ask with the format
RB: (Question) 

You could send in as much as possible, I would publish it before the last chapter and yes, everything is going to be an anonymous question so don't need to worry

Okay then, see ya guys later -Reaps

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