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Michael was almost to Luke's house. He had to type up Luke's address on Google Maps in order to find out how to get there from the house Michael was at for the party. According to Google Maps, Michael would be at Luke's in 5 minutes. Michael couldn't say ge recognized the scenery around him as he walked on; it was too dark to tell and he never had the best vision.

Michael wasn't sure the lady speaking to him knew Michael would get there in 5 minutes considering Michael wasn't in a car, but walking. He only hoped that's how long it was going to take from here.

Michael didn't know why he was going to Luke's house. You don't just moan your friend's name while getting pleasure from someone else and expect to ever look at that friend the same again. Regardless, Michael was on his way and his heart was pounding through his chest and all the layers in between.

Michael had never been nervous to see Luke before. But Michael had also never thought of Luke when someone had touched his dick. Michael felt strange to be thinking of Luke in that way. Was he even thinking of Luke in that way?

Michael's heart was in his hands as he turned onto the street Luke's place sat. Luke's home was the third on the left and Michael was nearly there. He checked the time on his phone; 12:43pm.

Michael trudged up Luke's driveway, just realizing Luke's car wasn't in it. Where could Luke be?

Michael knocked on Luke's front door anyway, and when he never got a response he finally settled with the conclusion that Luke wasn't home.

Realization hit him like a brick to the back of his head (um ow); Luke had work. Michael wasn't positive on Luke's work hours, but he never seemed to work during the day, because he usually "babysat" Michael during day hours.

Michael wasn't even sure which Kroger Luke worked at, but he guessed he would go to the one closest to Luke's house, because that would only make sense. He contemplated just going home, but he had already made it this far, what point would that be?

Kroger wasn't too far away; it probably took Luke around three minutes to get there from his house. MichMichaelsel arrived there in nearly 7 minutes, chewing on his chapped lips out of nervousness.

When the automatic doors opened for him, he almost ran back out. He wished his nerves didn't come around at times like these.

His eyes trailed down every register and register number there was, half-heartedly looking so he wouldn't feel too weird. He found Luke; register number 15 he was. He was bagging for the cashier, dressed in uniform, and he looked so damn good according to Michael.

Michael slowly walked towards Luke, and couldn't help feeling like a fallen angel making it's way back up to Heaven to face God to try and explain how it had fell. Luke had just finished bagging for a lady with a child in the cart, and there seemed to be no one else in line.

Luke looked in Michael's direction, and instantly stretched a smile across his face.

"Hey Michael, what are you-" Luke couldn't finish, because before he could Michael had grabbed the back of his head and pulled his face to Michael's in a full forced kiss. All the heat was in Michael's face, and Michael loved the rush.

Luke's lip were so soft, and plump against Michael's. He always knew they would feel as they looked, but he never thought he'd get to feel them. Michael didn't have any more time than merely 4 seconds to enjoy the kiss before Luke pushed him away.

Luke observed his surroundings; he obviously wasn't at all pleased with the fact that everyone, everyone was looking at the pair. Before Michael could say anything, any apology or word at all, Luke rushed off in a different direction.

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