Oh Baby

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I bury my face in the big fluffy couch pillow, letting out a loud groan. I lift my legs up and drop them back down before doing that faster repeatedly. My mind is buzzing and I can feel my heart beating hard against my chest from all my nervousness that is growing inside of me. And that isn't the only thing growing inside of me... The reason I am so nervous is because I'm waiting for my boyfriend, Matt, to come home so I can tell him I'm pregnant. I've seen this type of stuff go bad or good in movies and I couldn't be more scarred to tell him. What if he leaves me or wants me to get an abortion?! These thoughts have been buzzing my brain since I found out this morning. I have already gone to the doctor while Matt was at work, to confirm my pregnancy and now I'm back at Matt's apartment, waiting. I know Matt has always wanted to be a dad but he might think it's to soon, he's almost 19 and I'm only 17! The one time we didn't use protection, who would've thought. I never thought I'd be one of those teen moms.

My thoughts are roughly interrupted as the door swings open, revealing a glowing, happy Matt. He struts into the room, kicking the door closed with his right foot, and plops down on the couch next to me. I sit up and he plants a warm gentle kiss on my lips. I smile and kiss him back, the baby thoughts tying to slip form my mind but I force them to stay. Matt looks over at me and wraps his arms around my waist so he can pull me into his lap. I straddle my legs around his waist and sit in his lap, facing him. I glance at his hair and begin running my hands through it, playing with the longer strands.

"Matt, babe." I begin, my throat getting dry as I gently but nervously fiddle with his hair before letting my hands fall down onto his chest.

"I have to tell you something." I mumble, avoiding eye contact with Matt for as long as I can until he lifts my head up and forces me to look at his perfect hazel eyes that glimmer in the daylight shining through the windows.

"What is it baby girl?" Matt says softly.

"I-I'm pr-pregnant." I whisper, barely audible. I look down at Matt's chest and shut my eyes, anxious for his reaction. But nothing happens. I look back up to see Matt staring blankly past me, his expression is shocked but not angry.

"M-Matt?" I say quietly. Matt's eyes jump to mine where they stay momentary before they flicker down to my belly. Matt lifts his hands off my waist and carefully places them on my belly. He looks back up at me and slowly a grin cracks on his face and he quickly leans forward, engulfing me in a hug and peppering me with kisses.

"IM GONNA BE A DAD!" Matt exclaims, his eyes lit up and tears even start to brim in his eyes. I smile big and happily, a heavy load being lifted off my chest. Matt pulls out his iPhone and dials several numbers, creating a group call.

"Hey matty boy!" I hear several voices and hellos, recognizing them as the other magcon boys.

"IM GONNA BE A DAD GUYS!" Matt shouts into the phone group chat even though it's on speaker. I hear lots of congratulations and cheers, even some jokes but I couldn't be happier. I giggle and jump on Matt's back as he ends the group call. Matt starts running around his apartment where I'll probably be moving too soon. Matt races up the stairs. I cling my arms around his shoulders, digging my nails into his chest so that I don't fall of his back.

Matt spins around and drops me on his bed before jumping on top of me and burying me beneath him. I try to contour my laughing and when I open my eyes, I look up at Matt m starring down at me.

I smile and lean up, capturing his lips.

"I'm glad you're happy." I mumble against his lips. Matt smiles and lays down next to me.

"I'm so excited baby!" He grins, resting his right hand on my stomach. I smile and let out a satisfying sigh.

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