By the second call he realised that Louis was not going to shut up until he saw his face.

"You okay?" Harry questioned worriedly as he switched off the stove.

"I don't even know. . ." Niall muttered, blinking slowly with a grimace.

"Well, are you hungry?" Louis grinned, half trying to cheer Niall up and half just trying to focus the conversation back on the buffet of hot food that he'd been waiting oh so patiently to dig into.

Niall squinted at the food and gave a small shake of his head, "not really."

 Liam looked at the blond in shock, finally appearing to be fully awake, "you're not hungry?"

"My stomach hurts." Niall let his head drop between his shoulders, "you guys go ahead and eat, I'll be in the other room."
He picked himself up from his slumped position on the counter and walked stiffly into the living room, disappearing from sight.

"He's sick," Liam bluntly said.
Louis rolled his eyes and brought a plate up to sniff, "no shit.

Harry chuckled, "just eat Lou."

Louis looked up at him with wide eyes. 

"Yeah sure, you too Li. I'm gonna go see if Niall needs anything," Harry said.

Louis shot him a toothy smile and instantly got into the food, shoving a strip of bacon into his mouth as he began to load a plate for himself.

"What about you Haz? You cooked it all so it only makes sense that you eat some," Liam asked him before he could leave the room. 

Harry blushed a little and shook his head, "nah I'm fine, to be honest I probably ate half of it while I was cooking."
Louis let out a loud cackle and went back to eating, either not noticing or just ignoring the strange looks the other two shot him at his outburst.

 Harry shook his head in amusement and went off to find Niall, "save me some of that french toast, I'll be back soon."

Niall was curled up on the couch with a frown on his pale face when Harry came into the room. The curtains were drawn and it was dark so Harry went for the light switch. Niall stopped him with a groan. He'd purposefully made it dark to try and minimise the pain ricocheting around in his head.

"Headache too?" Harry whispered, trying to adjust his eyes so that he could see his friend. 

He got another moan in response.

"Is there anything I can do? I feel bad that you're ill on our day off bud, it sucks," Harry said sympathetically, feeling his way over to the couch where Niall was laying.

"Stay," Niall said quietly. Harry was right, it did suck being sick on their day off and he didn't want to be alone.

"You want me to hang out in here with you?" Harry asked, struggling a little to make sense of the simple one worded answer.
"Please," Niall whimpered. 

Harry really did feel terrible for him, he obviously wasn't feeling well at all and he didn't like seeing his friends sick. 

"I will Ni, I'm just going to go grab some medicine, and the thermometer if I can find it," Harry decided.
"Okay," Niall breathed as his stomach swirled uncomfortably underneath his hand. His abdomen clenched in an attempt to stop the pain and his breath caught in his chest as he waited for the cramp to pass.

Harry came back a few minutes later with a blanket and a bottle of liquid medicine. There was a packet of panadol on top of the blanket too.
"I couldn't find the thermometer, but Liam's searching." 

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