
"Okay?" Char asks and for the first time in six hours I can hear the excitement in her voice.

"Yeah okay, now just incase, boys names?" I ask and I can sense the pout on Char's face as she thinks of boys names. "Look if you're right and it's a girl I'll buy you like...four more pairs of louboutins so quit your huffing and think of a boys name!" I scold playfully and I hear her excited gasp at my words.


"Yeah, whatever you want. Boys names, you're up." I say trying to hide my laugh at her excited mumblings as she thinks through her choice.

"I got one...Justin."


"Yeah, the name is Justin." I glare in her direction with her words. "Justin Bieber has a ring to it don't you think?" Char asks and I frown in response. She thinks she's funny.

"Can I have that ring back please?" I joke turning away from Char so I could get to the opposite side of the bed. This way I could see her and know when she's in pain. Something I've learned today is that she'd good at hiding pain when she wants to be, I think she's scared that soon I'm gonna completely lose my shit when really it should only be me worrying about that. I brush my finger over Char's cheek as she scrunches her face up a little forcing the joking smile to stay on her face.

"I actually like the name Jaden and I kinda want my grandpas name in there so like...Jaden Luca Bieber?" Charlie asks quickly and my lips curve at her suggestion.

"Well I thought Jacob Luca Bieber." I say quietly my lips pressing against her forehead as a grin washes over Charlie's tired features.

"Okay I like that. I like those a lot." She says shyly, if her cheeks weren't already flushed I think that she'd be blushing.

"Charlie? Oh my god bebê." Adrianna's voice startles me a little, her heels click against the floor of the room as she rushes towards Charlie who looks relieved if nothing else. "Look at you," She hums going straight to her daughters side and rubbing small circles on her back. Then just like that, Char bursts into tears.


"Okay Charlotte, almost there!" Rebekah our midwife says and Char whines in protest. "One more big push for me." Char shakes her head in protest, it falling back onto my arm behind her head.

"You can do this baby, we got you." I mumble in her ear brushing some of the hair which clung to her hot face out of the way. "You've done so well and I am so proud of you okay?" I tell her kissing her hot forehead and then her cheek. Charlotte nods in agreement the pout on her face growing bigger. "Just one more and then you can rest and we can hold our beautiful baby." I try to encourage the best I can. Adriana smiles at me softly and I nod at her in appreciation.

When the midwife came in not too long ago announcing that it was time or whatever I just about freaked out but Adrianna managed to distract Charlie enough so that she wasn't looking at me. It allowed me to just sit there for a minute or two and freak out quietly before everything happened. It was good and showed that eventhough we didn't really talk back when Char and I first met because of the whole Christopher thing shes supportive of Char and I now. That really meant a lot to me.

"Come on Charlie," Rebekah coaxes and then it all happens so quickly. Char is squeezing my hand so incredibly hard I have to frown in pain and then Rebekah is talking to the other three people in the room and I can hear the most beautiful thing in the world.

My heart pounds against my chest and I feel like if I move a single inch I might pass out. I'm aware of all the voices in the room but at the same time all I can hear is that beautiful little cry which makes me want to break down in tears. Christ, it's so fucking beautiful and perfect. Then it hits me that I haven't actually seen it yet. It, I almost want to scoff at myself, it's my baby, mine and Charlies baby and I'm so fucking proud to say that.

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