Wounds and Forgetting

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"Love, she still haunts you in your dreams, doesn't she?

There are still songs that you hear in your head,
That remind you solely of the way she was.
No matter how many times you cup your ears and shut your eyes close, her ghost just won't leave.

I know by the way you look at me in the eyes,
The times you hesitate and look away,
Because you remember another woman you loved so deeply.

There are stories at the tip of your tongue
That you will never tell me,
Simply because they remind you of how her eyes lit up,
You remember her laugh.
Her smiles.

That's okay, love. Your wounds are healing.
I know you're fighting your way up to the surface.
I know you're slowly weaving new memories to the songs that love lets you listen.
I love you, still.
Let me heal you."

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